Expressway technology
Glossary of equipment
Expressway We will explain the technical terms used in each field such as facility, traffic safety facility, road maintenance.

- Corporate Top
- Business guide
- Glossary and data
- Glossary of Expressway technology and equipment
View by category
- Bridge (bridge) structure
- Earthwork structure (cut soil / cut slope / embankment / embankment surface)
- Emergency facility
- Environmental measures
- Expressway facility
- Road conservation
- Pavement / lane
- Road safety facility
- Traffic management facility
- Traffic Management
- Tunnel structure
View in alphabetical order
- Line
- Or row
- Guard cable
- Guardrail
- Wall balustrade
- Environmental facility zone
- Regulatory sign
- Bridge pier
- Distance marker
- Kilo post board
- Emergency opening (Kinkyu Kaikoubu)
- Emergency corridor
- Emergency evacuation passage (Kinkyu Hinantsuuro)
- Division line
- Cushion drum
- Warning sign
- Bright light prevention facility
- Wide area information board
- Steel bridge
- Construction regulations (Kojikisei)
- Construction sign
- Construction notice vehicle (Koji yokokusha)
- Construction notice sign
- Traffic control
- Traffic management vehicle
- Rear guard car (Kobikeikaisha)
- Crossing Expressway bridge
- Overpass (Kodokyo)
- Concrete spraying work
- Concrete bridge
- Concrete block masonry
- Concrete pavement
- Concrete frame work
- Sa line
- Jet fan
- Gaze guide
- Sound insulation wall opening signboard (shaonhekikaikoubu hyoujiban)
- Sound insulation wall
- Junction
- Junction information board
- Shako net
- Light shield
- Measures against traffic congestion
- Joint
- Information board
- Vegetation Norimen
- Telescopic device
- Snow pole
- Safety cone
- Snow and ice countermeasure work (Sepyo Taisakusagi)
- Cement concrete pavement
- Driving lane
- Driving lane regulations
- Speed regulation (Sokudokisei)
- Row
- Face-to-face traffic regulation
- Chain base
- Chain attachment / detachment area
- Median strip regulation
- Waypoint Information Board (Chukanchi Tenjo Hoban)
- Middle-distance planting
- Low speed travel regulations
- Delineator
- Climbing lane
- Road traffic information and communication system
- Road inspection (Doro Tenken)
- Tall barrier
- Tunnel ventilation equipment
- Tunnel gate (Komon)
- Tunnel lighting
- Information board in the tunnel
- Tunnel interior plate (not soba)
- Tunnel entrance information board
- Is line
- Line
- Ya line
- Ra row