[E17] Kan-Etsu Expressway "Yorii smart interchange (Out-bound line)" is 2019 and opened at March 28 (Thursday) 13.

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  • [E17] Kan-Etsu Expressway "Yorii smart interchange (Out-bound line)" is 2019 and opened at March 28 (Thursday) 13.
Fukaya City Yorii Town Misato Town logo image

2019 February 28
Yorii Town
Misato Town
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Saitama City), the 2019 March 28 (Thursday) at 13 E17 We will open the Yorii Smart Interchange (hereinafter "Smart IC") that connects to the Yorii Parking Area (hereinafter "PA") on the Kan-Etsu Expressway Out-bound line. ( Opening the smart IC on the Out-bound line side I will do it. )

1 Opening date

2019 March 28 (Thursday) 13:00

2 Installation location

Location: Connected to the Kan-Etsu Expressway Yorii PA (Out-bound line)
Location: Soil for Yorii Town, Osato District, Saitama Prefecture

3 operating hours


4 Usage form

Once stopped

5 Target vehicles

All models equipped with ETC in-vehicle device

6 Location map

Image of position map

Construction status

Image of construction status

7 How to use smart IC

■ Smart IC is an IC dedicated to ETC.

■When using

  • Please insert the ETC card into the ETC on-board unit and pass.
  • Be sure to stop before the opening / closing bar of the smart IC.
  • If the open / close bar does not open, please inform the staff via the intercom.
Image of how to use smart IC

8 In-bound smart IC under construction

■ This time, only Out-bound line will be opened in advance.

  • Customers heading for Tokyo cannot ride from this smart IC.
  • Customers coming from the Niigata area cannot use this smart IC.

■ The In-bound line smart IC cannot be used because it is under construction.

  • We will inform you again about the opening time.

■ Commercial facilities and toilets in the PA can be used as usual for both the upper and lower lines.

Image image of In-bound smart IC under construction
Yorii PA Smart ic Commercial facilities / toilet
Out-bound line Kan-Etsu Expressway (for Tokyo) To general road
General road To Kan-Etsu Expressway (direction Niigata)
In-bound line Kan-Etsu Expressway (Niigata area) To general road Under construction
To general road To Kan-Etsu Expressway (Tokyo direction) Under construction

9 Expected maintenance effect

  1. Revitalization of local economy and strengthening of employment
    Many companies have already entered the area around this smart IC, and we can expect to improve the efficiency of logistics from existing factories and promote the advancement of companies. In addition, Expressway, the local economy will be revitalized and employment will be strengthened.
  2. Improving traffic convenience and alleviating traffic congestion by decentralizing traffic
    With the installation of this smart IC, Expressway will increase, which will improve the convenience of transportation for local residents. Furthermore, it is expected that traffic vehicles will be dispersed and traffic congestion around ICs and highways will be alleviated.
  3. Support for disaster-resistant community development
    Expressway which will be the main artery in the event of a disaster, it will greatly contribute to the transportation of goods from the surrounding area and the saving of lives, even in the event of a disaster.
    (reference: Misato Town HP [PDF: 475KB])

10 Price list between major ICs

1 ETC regular charge

(Unit: Yen)

Entrance IC Exit IC Car model Distance (km)
Light vehicles, etc. Standard-sized car Medium-sized car Large car Oversized car
Nerima IC Yorii smart IC 1,680 2,060 2,440 3,300 5,390 63.7
Tokorozawa IC 1,440 1,760 2,080 2,810 4,570 54.3
Higashimatsuyama IC 680 810 940 1,230 1,940 24.3
Sayama Hidaka IC 1,200 1,470 1,720 2,310 3,740 44.9
Kawashima IC 1,170 1,430 1,670 2,250 3,630 43.6
Entrance IC Exit IC Car model Distance (km)
Light vehicles, etc. Standard-sized car Medium-sized car Large car Oversized car
Yorii smart IC Honjo Kodama IC 290 320 350 420 590 5.9
Kamisato smart IC 410 480 540 680 1,020 11.8
Maebashi IC 770 920 1,070 1,410 2,240 28.4
Shibukawa Ikaho IC 1,010 1,220 1,430 1,900 3,060 39.7
Numata IC 1,480 1,810 2,140 2,880 4,700 62.1

2 ETC midnight discount rate 《30% discount from 0:00 to 4:00》

(Unit: Yen)

Entrance IC Exit IC Car model Distance (km)
Light vehicles, etc. Standard-sized car Medium-sized car Large car Oversized car
Nerima IC Yorii smart IC 1,180 1,440 1,710 2,310 3,770 63.7
Tokorozawa IC 1,010 1,230 1,460 1,970 3,200 54.3
Higashimatsuyama IC 480 570 660 860 1,360 24.3
Sayama Hidaka IC 840 1,030 1,210 1,620 2,620 44.9
Kawashima IC 820 1,010 1,170 1,580 2,550 43.6
Entrance IC Exit IC Car model Distance (km)
Light vehicles, etc. Standard-sized car Medium-sized car Large car Oversized car
Yorii smart IC Honjo Kodama IC 200 220 250 290 410 5.9
Kamisato smart IC 290 340 380 480 710 11.8
Maebashi IC 540 640 750 990 1,570 28.4
Shibukawa Ikaho IC 710 850 1,000 1,330 2,140 39.7
Numata IC 1,040 1,270 1,500 2,020 3,290 62.1

3 ETC holiday discount rate <Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, 30% discount for rural areas, light vehicles, ordinary vehicles only>

(Unit: Yen)

Entrance IC Exit IC Car model Distance (km)
Light vehicles, etc. Standard-sized car Medium-sized car Large car Oversized car
Nerima IC Yorii smart IC 1,480 1,820 - - - 63.7
Tokorozawa IC 1,240 1,520 - - - 54.3
Higashimatsuyama IC 480 570 - - - 24.3
Sayama Hidaka IC 1,000 1,230 - - - 44.9
Kawashima IC 970 1,190 - - - 43.6
Entrance IC Exit IC Car model Distance (km)
Light vehicles, etc. Standard-sized car Medium-sized car Large car Oversized car
Yorii smart IC Honjo Kodama IC 200 220 - - - 5.9
Kamisato smart IC 290 340 - - - 11.8
Maebashi IC 540 640 - - - 28.4
Shibukawa Ikaho IC 710 850 - - - 39.7
Numata IC 1,040 1,270 - - - 62.1
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