【E4】東北自動車道 郡山南IC~郡山IC間

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  • 【E4】東北自動車道 郡山南IC~郡山IC間 橋りょうリニューアル工事による終日対面通行規制を実施

The latest regulatory information isDraTraPlease see.

PDF version [PDF: 713KB]

Expressway renewal project logo image image 1


 NEXCO東日本郡山管理事務所(福島県郡山市)は、E4東北自動車道 郡山南(こおりやまみなみ)インターチェンジ(IC)~郡山(こおりやま)IC間に位置する馬番川橋において、老朽化した鉄筋コンクリート床版を新しい床版に取替える工事のため、上下線各2車線の区間を1車線に減少させ、片側に集約する対面通行規制を10月16日(土)から終日実施します。

◆Construction image photograph

[Old floor slab removal status] photo
[Removal of old slabs]
[New floor slab installation status] photo
[New slab installation status]
[Surface traffic regulation status] photo
[Restrictions on face-to-face traffic]

1. Traffic regulation section

 東北自動車道 郡山南IC~郡山IC(上下線)

Image of position map
Image image of construction section

2. Traffic regulation period and traffic congestion prediction

  1. 通行規制期間
  2. Image of traffic restriction period (October)
    Image of traffic regulation period (November)

    【Usage Guide】

    All day lane regulation
    All-day traffic regulation for two-way traffic
    • We will also work on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
    • 工事の進捗状況により規制期間が変更する場合があります。
  3. 渋滞予測

3. Traffic restrictions

For floor slab replacement work, we will reduce the section of each of the two lanes on the upper and lower lanes to one lane, consolidate it on one side, and implement face-to-face traffic restrictions throughout the day. During the first and last few days of the construction period, lane restrictions will be applied to both the upper and lower lanes as a preparatory work for switching lanes.

◆Image of lane regulation and two-way traffic regulation

Image of lane regulation
Image of face-to-face traffic regulation

Four. Construction content

Approximately 48 years have passed since the opening of the Mabangawa Bridge, which is located between the Koriyama Minami IC and Koriyama IC on the Tohoku Expressway As a result of such factors as deterioration of the concrete deck and rust on the reinforcing bars, it is necessary to carry out drastic anti-aging work.
By replacing the deteriorated existing concrete deck with a new deck, it will be reborn as an Expressway

Image image of construction outline

Five. Request when using

  1. 工事区間は約2.7kmにわたって終日対面通行規制を行います。現状の片側2車線から1車線へ縮小となり、工事箇所を先頭に、最大5km程度の渋滞が予測されていますので、常磐道や一般道への迂回、お出かけ時間の変更または公共交通機関の利用についてご検討をお願いします。
  2. Since the driving lane and shoulders are narrow in the two-way traffic restricted section, please observe the regulated speed when driving, secure the inter-vehicle distance, and be careful about rear-end collisions. In addition, the lanes will change significantly before and after the two-way traffic regulation section, so please follow the local information signs.
  3. Vehicles for construction work may enter and leave the area around the construction site, so please be careful when traveling ahead.
  4. During the construction period, we will provide traffic congestion information using LED information boards, provide construction regulation information using road information boards and road signs, and call attention to driving safely. Please check this information before driving and drive safely.

◆ Photograph of information provided around the construction site

[LED information board] photo
[LED information board]
[Road information board] photo
[Road information board]
[Construction control material] photo
[Construction regulation materials]

6. Efforts to minimize inconvenience to customers due to construction work

[Adopting precast products for the purpose of shortening construction period and improving quality]
By adopting a precast PC floor slab, the construction period has been shortened compared to usual, and the regulation period has been shortened to the maximum.
*Precast is a product manufactured in advance at a factory, etc.

[Advance notice of construction regulations and traffic jam information by TV commercials, radio commercials, newspaper advertisements, etc.]
We will inform you in advance of the regulation contents by TV commercials, radio commercials, newspaper advertisements, etc. mainly in the Tohoku region.


◆ TV commercial

Image image of TV commercial

◆ Stand sign

Image of standing sign

◆ Poster

Image image of poster

◆ Leaflet

Image image of leaflet

7. How to obtain road traffic information

  • DraPla", a site full of useful information on Expressway nationwide
    PC version (https://www.driveplaza.com/)
    Mobile version (http://m.driveplaza.com/)
    Smartphone version (http://www.driveplaza.com/smp/)
  • Expressway traffic information service "Drive Traffic (DraTra)"
    It provides real-time road traffic information.
    PC version (https://www.drivetraffic.jp/)
    Mobile version (http://m.drivetraffic.jp/)
    Smartphone version (http://www.drivetraffic.jp/smp/)
  • NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター
    0570-024-024(ナビダイヤル)または 03-5308-2424
  • 日本道路交通情報センター(JARTIC)
    全国共通ダイヤル 050-3369-6666(携帯短縮ダイヤル #8011
    福島情報 050-3369-6607
    東北地方高速情報 050-3369-6761
  • Highway radio
    Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    The section that is broadcasting is indicated by the sign on Expressway.
  • Highway Information Terminal
    Wide-area road traffic information is notified on the monitor screen installed in SA / PA.
  • Official Twitter account
    "NEXCO EAST (Tohoku)" (@e_nexco_tohoku) Provides information on Expressway in the Tohoku region.
Expressway renewal project logo image image 2

Expressway renewal project

Safety and security for the next generation.
NEXCO EAST will work on large-scale renewal and repair business of Expressway in order to provide you with safety and security.

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