[E49] Ban-Etsu Expressway (between Iwaki Sanwa IC and Iwaki JCT)
Implementation of traffic closure at night

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  • [E49] Ban-etsu Ban-Etsu Expressway (between Iwaki Sanwa IC and Iwaki JCT) Nighttime closure

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November 12, 2018
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office Office Iwaki Management Office

NEXCO EAST Iwaki Management Office (Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture)E49 Ban-Etsu Expressway Iwaki Junction (JCT) and the Iwaki Sanwa Interchange (IC), we will carry out nighttime closures as follows to repair damaged pavements and replace traffic measurement devices.

In order to minimize the impact on traffic, we will carry out traffic closures at night when traffic volume decreases. This work is necessary to maintain a safe and comfortable environment on the Expressway. We will do our best to minimize the inconvenience to our customers, and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.

1 closed section

Ban-Etsu Expressway Iwaki Sanwa IC → Iwaki JCT (In-bound line)

2 Closed date and time

5 nights from November 26th (Monday) to November 30th (Friday), 2018, every night from 20:00 to 5:00 the next day
(Preliminary day: December 3, 2018 (Monday) to December 7, 2018 (Friday))
* Traffic closure dates and sections may change depending on the weather.

Closed date and time Image of November 2018

3 detour

National Route 49 Attachment-1 [PDF: 163KB]

4 Construction details

Cut the damaged pavement surface to make a new pavement.

Photo before construction
Before construction
Completion (image) photo
Complete image)

5 Regarding transfer fare adjustment due to suspension of traffic

Attachment-2 [PDF: 170KB]

For passengers who leave the Expressway once due to a nighttime suspension and bypass the closed section and transfer again in the same direction, we will make a "transit adjustment" to adjust the toll according to the section used.

Tollgate where you can transfer

(In-bound line) Outflow IC: Iwaki Sanwa IC, Ono IC
(Out-bound line) Re-inflow IC: Iwaki Chuo IC, Iwaki Yokura IC, Hirono IC,
(In-bound line) Re-inflow IC: Iwaki Chuo IC, Iwaki Yumoto IC, Iwaki Nakoso IC, Kitaibaraki IC

6 Information provision

Although it will be light rain, it will be postponed if there is a possibility of heavy rain and strong wind.
In addition, the decision on whether to stop at night will be made at 13:00 on the day of implementation.

Customer contact

  • NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター(24時間オペレーターが対応します。)
    0570-024-024 または 03-5338-7524
  • ハイウェイテレホン(24時間音声案内)
    郡山局 024-961-1620
  • (公財)日本道路交通情報センター
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