Expressway traffic conditions during the Obon festival (breaking news) [Niigata Prefecture version]

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  • Expressway traffic conditions during the Obon festival (breaking news) [Niigata Prefecture version]

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August 20 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Niigata Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Niigata Regional Head Office (Chuo-ku, Niigata City) will be closed during the Obon period. [August 8 2024 (Thursday) to August 18, 2020 (Sunday): 11 days] We have compiled the traffic situation and would like to inform you of it.

≪Overview of traffic conditions≫

  1. The average daily traffic volume on the representative section was 105.4% compared to the same period last year.
  2. Traffic volume during this period was highest on Out-bound lanes on Saturday, August 10th, and on In-bound lanes on Thursday, August 15th.
  3. There was one traffic jam of more than 5km, one more than the same period last year.
  4. The largest traffic jam during this period the E8 Hokuriku Expressway (In-bound) between Sanjo-Tsubame IC and Kurosaki SIC, and was 10.6 km long due to an accident that occurred on Wednesday, August 14thwas on .

1. Average daily traffic volume in representative sections *1 (vehicles/day)

Road name Section *2 2024 A Reiwa 5 B Comparison with 2023 A/B
E7 Nitto Expressway Niigata Kameda IC ~ Niigata Higashi SIC 17,300 16,700 103.6%
Nakajo IC ~ Tainai SIC 13,400 13,000 103.1%
E8Hokuriku Expressway Oyashirazu IC to Itoigawa IC 24,600 22,600 108.8%
Kashiwazaki IC -Nishiyama IC 28,200 26,400 106.8%
Makikata Higashi IC to Niigata Nishi IC 50,100 48,100 104.2%
E17Kan-Etsu Expressway Minakami Minakami IC ~ Yuzawa Yuzawa IC 29,800 28,900 103.1%
Ojiya IC ~ Nagaoka Minamikoshiji SIC 27,600 26,600 103.8%
E18 Joshin-Etsu Expressway Shinanomachi IC to Myoko Kogen IC 23,900 22,400 106.7%
Nakago IC to Joetsu Takada IC 22,400 21,000 106.7%
E49 Ban-Etsu Expressway Mikawa IC to Yasuda IC 10,900 10,200 106.9%
Niitsunishi SIC ~ Niigata Chuo JCT 11,400 10,600 107.5%
Simple average daily traffic volume for the above 11 sections 23,600 22,400 105.4%
  1. Traffic volume is approximate by traffic counter (all models)
  2. IC: interchange, SIC: smart interchange, JCT: junction

<Reference: Comparison period>
Arrangement of days of the week during the Obon period in 2024 and Reiwa 5

2024 8/8
8/10 (Sat) 8/11 (Sun) 8/12(Mon) August 13th (Tuesday) August 14th (Wednesday) 8/15 (Thu) 8/16 (Fri) 8/17 (Sat) 8/18 (Sun)
2020 8/10 (Thursday) 8/11 (Friday) 8/12 (Sat) 8/13 (Sun) 8/14 (Monday) 8/15 (Tue) 8/16 (Wed) 8/17 (Thu) August 18th (Friday) 8/19 (Sat) August 20th (Sun)

2. Main congestion points

Traffic congestion during the Obon holiday 2024 (maximum traffic congestion length of 5km or more): 1 occurrence in total

Road name / direction Traffic jam location Peak date and time Extension Cause of traffic jam
E8 Hokuriku Expressway (above) Sanjo-Tsubame IC ~ Kurosaki SIC Wednesday, August 14th 12:45 10.6㎞ accident

There were no traffic jams of 5 km or more during the Obon period of 2020.

3. Road closures

Road closures during the Obon period in 2024

Road name / direction Closed place period Cause of road closure
E7 Nitto Expressway (upper and lower) Seiro Shibata IC to Nakajo IC Thursday, August 8th, 22:30 to 1:25 accident
E7 Nitto Expressway (below) Seiro Shibata IC to Nakajo IC August 11th (Sun) 23:53-2:30
E7 Nitto Expressway (upper and lower) Seiro Shibata IC to Nakajo IC Monday, August 12th, 2:30-3:20
E8 Hokuriku Expressway (above) Oyashirazu IC to Asahi Asahi IC Friday, August 16th, 22:52 to 9:30 Vehicle fire

4. Daily traffic conditions for representative sections (average of 11 sections)

Image of daily traffic conditions in representative sections (average of 11 sections) (In-bound line)
Image of daily traffic conditions in representative sections (average of 11 sections) (Out-bound line)
Image link (external link) to download page of Adobe Acrobat Reader

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