[E8] Joint event with local elementary school students at Hokuriku Expressway Ozumi PA (In-bound line)

~ Small and small children will carry out “Ohsan PA” project, which is a project to “distribute!

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  • [E8] Joint event with local elementary school students at Hokuriku Expressway Ozumi PA (In-bound line)

September 12, 2019
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Niigata Regional Head Office President Oka Management Office

NEXCO EAST Nagaoka Management Office (Nagaoka City) E8 Hokuriku Expressway Ozumi Parking Area (PA) In-bound Line, we will hold an event jointly with Nagaoka City Ozumi Elementary School on Wednesday, September 18th.
In this event, NEXCO EAST will conduct a traffic safety campaign aimed at raising awareness of fallen objects, as well as showcasing the traditional performing arts "Ameya Odori" by children of all ages and learning "Kokedama" through comprehensive learning. We will sell.

1 Implementation date

Wednesday, September 18, 13:00 to 14:50, the first 2019

2 places

E8 Hokuriku Expressway Ozumi PA (In-bound Line) Nagaoka City Ozumi
* It will be canceled in case of light rain or bad weather. Cancellation will be decided at 16:00 the day before.

3 participants

Approximately 35 children and related persons from Nagaoka City Ozumi Elementary School
NEXCO EAST Nagaoka Management Office Employee

4 Implementation contents

    • Displaying falling objects and calling attention to inappropriate loading on freight cars
  2. Ozumi Elementary School
    • Posting and presentation of handmade posters for children that convey the appeal of Ozumi
    • A performance of "Ameya Odori", a traditional performing art in the Ozumi area by eight children
    • Selling "moss balls" learned how to make by comprehensive learning as part of work experience

* "Kokedama" is a root made from cuttings from the natural monument "Ozumi Azalea" in Niigata Prefecture, made into a spherical shape with soil, and moss is pasted around it.

Implementation status of last year

Image of last year's implementation 1
Image 2 of last year's implementation

* If you would like to collect data on the day, please contact us in advance. In case of cancellation, we will contact you. We will also inform you on our website.

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