Guidance of field visit

"Green Curtain Project 2013 in Kurosaki PA"
"Watch the highway! Look! Kameda 2013"

May 28, 2013
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Niigata Regional Head Office Niigata Management Office

NEXCO EAST Niigata Management Office (Konan Ward, Niigata City) cooperated with the local elementary school as part of its environmental efforts, and cooperated with the Niigata Prefectural Environmental Business Group and group companies to promote “Green Curtain”. We will carry out "Project 2013 in Kurosaki PA".

In addition, it intended for elementary school children Expressway conduct business introductions of "seeing highway! Look! Kameda 2013" will also let us know so that we conducted.

1 Green Curtain Project 2013 in Kurosaki PA

Date and time
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 9:20-11:20
Hokuriku Expressway Kurosaki PA (Out-bound line)
Green curtain seedling transplants and bitter gourd seeds distributed by elementary school students

2 Look at the highway! look! Kameda 2013

Date and time
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 13:30-14:30
NEXCO EAST Niigata Regional Head Office Niigata Road Control Center (Near Niigata Bypass Kurosaki IC)
As a part of comprehensive learning at elementary schools, students will learn about the role of Expressway and the work of 24-hour monitoring and supervision, as well as a tour of the Road Control Center.
  • Participants 28 Niigata City Kurosaki Minami Elementary School (4th grade) 28 people

[Reference] State of last year

1. Green curtain project

Image of Green Curtain Project

2. Look at the highway! look!

Image image of Highway Look! Look!