About the Katsuradai tunnel construction on the Yokohama Circular South Line

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  • About the Katsuradai tunnel construction on the Yokohama Circular South Line

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August 6, 3rd year of Reiwa
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Yokohama construction office

NEXCO EAST Yokohama Construction Office (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) is proceeding with the construction of the Katsuradai Tunnel on the Yokohama Circular South Line, which is proceeding with the excavation work of the shield tunnel in the Shonan Katsuradai area. This time, the motor for rotating the cutter (disk) on the front of the shield machine broke down, so we are currently suspending digging and conducting inspections and parts replacement.
At present, the period required to procure parts is uncertain, so the period of suspension is undecided. We will inform you as soon as we know the details such as the time required for parts replacement.

1. 1. Location map

Image of position map

2. Status of Katsuradai tunnel construction

Photograph of the tunnel underground situation
Photo. Underground conditions in the tunnel
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