About the implementation of the road surface cavity survey in the excavated section of the Tokyo outer ring road

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  • About the implementation of the road surface cavity survey in the excavated section of the Tokyo outer ring road

November 17, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in the Tokyo Outer Ring Road Project.
On Sunday, October 18th, a depression of the ground surface occurred near the tunnel construction site at 2-chome, Higashi Tsutsujigaoka, Chofu City.
Currently, we are investigating the cause and effect of the collapse event and tunnel construction, but in order to confirm the safety of the section that we have dug up so far, we will carry out a cavity survey of the road surface from around mid-November. I will inform you.
Please see the Tokyo Gaikan Project website for the schedule of the road surface cavity survey.

In addition, we will continue to implement other sections that have already been excavated as soon as they are ready.
