We will display and sell products made by students of special support school for the first time in the service area of NEXCO EAST

~ "Takafuku (happiness) cooperation" initiatives ~

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  • We will display and sell products made by students of special support school for the first time in the service area of NEXCO EAST

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2019 January 22,
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office Tanihara Management Office

NEXCO EAST Taniwahara Management Office (Tsukuba Mirai City, Ibaraki Prefecture) E6 Joban Expressway In-bound Line In the Moriya service area, students of the third grade of the middle school of the Ibaraki Prefectural Ina Special Support School who are aiming to work in the future will experience the exhibition and sale of their own products. .

This effort will be carried out as part of the "Takafuku Collaboration" (*) being promoted by NEXCO EAST, and it is our company to let the students of the special needs school experience the exhibition and sales at the Expressway commercial facility. Will be the first attempt.

(*) What is "Takafuku cooperation"?

NEXCO EAST, efforts that link the "Expressway" and "welfare" are called "takafuku (happiness) collaboration."

Positioned as a part of CSR activities to tackle social issues through Expressway business, CSV * We will continue to work based on the idea of.

  • CSV (Creating Shared Value) is translated as "creating common value." Professor Michael Porter of Harvard University proposed as a new concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The idea is to contribute to society not only through charitable social contribution activities, but also by simultaneously utilizing the strengths of the company to solve social issues and achieve growth for the company.

1 Implementation date and place

Date and time: 2019, February 5 (Tuesday) 10:30 to 13:30 (stormy weather at the time due to heavy snow, etc. will be canceled)
Place: Joban Expressway In-bound Line Moriya Service Area (166 Ohashiwa, Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture)

2 Content

At the special event corner of the Moriya service area (In-bound line) commercial facility, students from the junior high school of the special needs school will exhibit and sell the products they have made, introduce the production procedure using panels, and perform demonstrations.

Photographs of products exhibited and sold by students in the junior high school of a special school, introduction of production procedures using panels, and demonstrations 1
Photographs of products exhibited and sold by students in the junior high school of a special school, introduction of production procedures using panels, and demonstrations 2
Photographs of products exhibited and sold by students in the junior high school of a special school, introduction of production procedures using panels, and demonstrations 3
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