[E18] Joshin-Etsu Expressway Susaka Nagano East IC-Shinshu Nakano IC (upper and lower lines)
Notice of two-way traffic regulation due to bridge renewal construction

73 days from September 19 (Tue) to November 30 (Thu)
~We will implement a Expressway renewal project in Nagano~

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  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • [E18] Joshin-Joshin-Etsu Expressway Susaka Nagano East IC-Shinshu Nakano IC (upper and lower lines) Notice of two-way traffic regulation due to bridge renewal construction

August 23, 2017
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Nagano Management Office

NEXCO EAST Nagano Management Office (Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture)E18 We will implement face-to-face traffic control between the Joshin-Joshin-Etsu Expressway Susaka Nagano East Interchange (hereinafter "IC") and Shinshu Nakano IC (upper and lower lines) due to the renewal work of the aged bridge.

The work to be carried out this time is to replace the reinforced concrete floor slab with a new floor slab on the In-bound line of the Toyosu Viaduct (Toyosu Viaduct) located between the Suzaka Nagano Higashi IC and the Shinshu Nakano IC on the Joshin-Etsu Expressway. We carry out continuous two-way traffic regulation.

During the construction period, congestion and congestion on the Expressway, especially on the last day of the three consecutive holidays in October (peak hours 17:00 to 18:00), it is expected that there will be a maximum of 8 km on the In-bound line and 2 km on the Out-bound line. Will be done. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to customers using the Expressway. During construction Homepage for construction, Or the traffic congestion forecast will be posted on websites such as DraPla so please refer to it when using the Expressway.

This construction is necessary to use the Expressway safely and comfortably, so we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.

1 construction section

Joshin-Etsu Expressway Susaka Nagano East IC-Shinshu Nakano IC (upper and lower lines)

Image image of construction section

* Attached to each line E18 The indications such as indicate the route number (numbering) of Expressway.

2 Regulation period and traffic congestion forecast

(1) Regulatory Period September 19 (Tue) - November 30 (Thu) on 2017 (73 days)

Image of regulation period

*Construction will continue on day and night even on weekends and holidays.
*The construction period may change depending on the weather and work progress.

(2) Congestion prediction
During the construction period, we anticipate the occurrence of traffic congestion, especially on weekends and holidays. Especially on the last day of the three consecutive holidays (peak hours from 17:00 to 18:00), In-bound to 8km of traffic can be expected on the up line and up to 2km on the Out-bound line.

Image of traffic congestion prediction

3 Regulation content

In the floor slab replacement work, we will reduce the section of each two lanes of up and down lanes to one lane and implement face-to-face traffic regulation to concentrate on Out-bound lanes. For the first few days at the start and end of the construction period, overtaking lane restrictions will be imposed on the upper and lower lanes in preparation for switching to two-way traffic regulation.

Image of regulation contents

4 Construction overview

This time, the bridge to replace the floor slab is the Toyosu Viaduct located on the Joshin-Etsu Expressway Susaka Nagano East IC-Shinshu Nakano IC, which is a steel 4-span continuous box girder bridge (261m long) that crosses the first-grade river Yagisawa River and prefectural road. The section of is targeted. 22 years have passed since the Toyosu Viaduct was opened in 1995.

During this period, the concrete cracks and deterioration of the concrete floor slabs and rust on the reinforcing bars were caused by minute cracks caused by the increase in wheel load due to the increase in size of the vehicle and the salt content contained in the antifreeze agent sprayed during the winter season. It is necessary to carry out plate replacement work.

In order to replace the concrete slab part of the bridge is In-bound because there is a need to be closed to traffic the line portion, Out-bound do the work the two-lane line side as a face-to-face way of up and down each one lane.

Main work contents

By replacing the existing deteriorated concrete slab with a new concrete slab, it will be transformed into a safe and comfortable Expressway.

Image image of the contents of the main construction
Image of concrete floor slab removal
[Removal of concrete floor slab]
Image of installation of new concrete floor slab
[Installation of new concrete slab]
Image of new concrete floor slab completion
[Completion of new concrete floor slab]

*The photo is an example of floor slab replacement work at the Kunikumabashi (In-bound line) carried out in the fall of 2016.

5 How to obtain traffic information

(1) Road traffic information available before going out

  • Homepage for Toyosu Viaduct floor slab replacement work
    (Provides the time required to pass the construction section, traffic congestion prediction during the construction period, construction outline, detour information, etc.)
  • NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター
    ナビダイヤル 0570-024-024
    または 03-5338-7524
  • For the latest regulatory information, see DraTra "Please refer to the.
  • NEXCO EAST Road Traffic Information Site "Dora Tora"
    (Provides traffic information for Expressway nationwide)
    [Mobile] http://m.drivetraffic.jp/
  • ハイウェイテレホン(5分毎に更新される交通情報を24時間提供)
    前橋局 027-252-1620
    長野局 026-278-1620(携帯電話・PHS短縮ダイヤル#8162
  • 日本道路交通情報センター(JARTIC)の道路交通情報
    全国共通ダイヤル 050-3369-6666(携帯短縮ダイヤル#8011
    全国・関東甲信越情報 050-3369-6600

(2) Road traffic information available during driving

  • Road information board
  • Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    The highway radio section is indicated by signs on the Expressway.
  • Highway Information Terminal
    Wide-area road information is provided in an easy-to-understand manner on the monitor screens installed in SA / PA.
* Twitter's official account "NEXCO EAST​ (Kanto)" (@e_nexco_kanto ) Also distributes information.
Image image of Expressway renewal project

Expressway Renewal project
Now, bring safety and security to the next generation.

NEXCO EAST, in order to deliver safety and security to everyone,
Expressway We will work on the update and repair business.

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