We carried out late night enforcement by pulling in all vehicles * in the service area

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • We carried out late night enforcement by pulling in all vehicles * in the service area

June 21, 2016
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture) is Kan-Etsu Expressway Akagi Kogen Service Area (hereinafter referred to as "SA") Out-bound All vehicles are pulled in at midnight. The enforcement was carried out for vehicles that violate the Road Law (Vehicle Restriction Ordinance).

From the past, from the viewpoint of the maintenance of road structures and the prevention of traffic accidents, we regularly carry out crackdowns at toll gates, but the current situation is that there is no end to violating vehicles, and vehicles that violate weight are road structures. There is a great adverse effect on the environment and further strengthening of crackdowns is required.

This was the second time for all vehicles to be undertaken by the Kan-Etsu Expressway, and also for the Kanto Regional Head Office Office, which was the third time (the first time was the Kan-Etsu Expressway: Akagi Kogen SA (2007), and the second time was the Joshinetsu Expressway: Yokogawa SA (2015). Year)).

By virtue of this type of enforcement (all vehicles pulled in), we believe that by notifying and recognizing our attitude that "vehicles that violate laws and regulations will never be tolerated", we will be able to prevent future violations. I will.

Going forward, we will continue to implement appropriate and timely guidance and crackdowns, and will strictly deal with malicious offending drivers.

We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

*All vehicles are pulled in: All passing vehicles must go through SA, etc.

  1. Date and time
    Monday, June 20, 2016
  2. place
    Kan-Etsu Expressway Akagi Kogen SA Out-bound Line
  3. Results of enforcement
    681 pull-in units
    (350 large cars, 331 small cars)
    Number of violators: 6 (all gross weight violations) *
    *Violating vehicles are subject to measures and orders based on Article 47-4, Paragraph 1 of the Road Law.

State of enforcement at Akagi Kogen SA

[Main line regulation status]
Image of [Main line regulation status]
[Weight measurement on mat scale]
Image of [Weight measurement on mat scale]
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