Concerning traffic congestion prediction and countermeasures for Expressway during the year-end and New Year period [Metropolitan area version]

The peak of the Out-bound line is from Saturday, January 1 to Tuesday, January 4
The peak of the In-bound line is from Sunday, January 2 to Monday, January 3.
~Please use the traffic congestion forecast information on websites, etc. to cooperate with distributed use~

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • Concerning traffic congestion prediction and countermeasures for Expressway during the year-end and New Year period [Metropolitan area version]

December 3, 2010
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office
Central Japan Expressway Tokyo Regional Head Office
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. Hachioji Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office and NEXCO CENTRAL Tokyo Regional Head Office ・Hachioji Regional Head Office has year-end and New Year holidays [from December 23, 2010 (Thursday) to 2011 1 13 days (Tuesday 4th)] We summarized the trends and countermeasures of traffic congestion (10 km or more) due to traffic concentration predicted to occur in Expressway in the Kanto Koshin region and Shizuoka prefecture. I will.

Since ETC holiday special discounts will be implemented during the year-end and New Year holidays as well, we expect that congestion will increase as well as last year-end and New Year holidays. Please refer to this congestion forecast and shift the departure time before and after the time when the peak of the congestion is predicted, so please use it to create a comfortable travel plan.

Expressway companies provide traffic congestion forecast information and road traffic information using various tools. Please use it when using the Expressway. Accidents are more likely to occur during traffic jams and in the tail. Please check the latest traffic jam situation on the road information board etc. and drive carefully.

1 Congestion prediction

(1) Trend of traffic congestion
Out-bound direction January 1 (Saturday) to 4 days (Tuesday), In-bound direction is expected to congestion on January 2 (Sunday) to 3 (Monday) is concentrated.
In addition, if distributed use is not planned sufficiently, it is expected that more congestion will occur, so please use the traffic forecast and the latest road traffic information well, and cooperate with distributed use.

Image of expected number of traffic jams
  • Gaikan Expressway, the direction toward Misato Minami IC is "outer direction" and the direction toward Oizumi JCT is "inward direction".

(2) Prediction of particularly long traffic congestion (highest in traffic congestion prediction length by direction)

of time
・ Day of the week
Road nameTop of traffic jam
Time zonepeak
Times of Day
of time
Congestion length
Fujigawa SA
Shizuoka Prefecture
Fuji city

Yamato TN
Kanagawa Prefecture
Yamato City

12 o'clock25km
Iwata IC
Shizuoka Prefecture
(I myself)

Yamato TN
Kanagawa Prefecture
Yamato City
1:00 the next day
Fujigawa SA
Shizuoka Prefecture
Fuji city


(3) Comparison of the number of traffic jams with the year-end and New Year holidays of last year (Wednesday, December 23, 2009-Monday, January 4, 2010)

(Unit: times)

Traffic jam scale(1) 2010 year-end and New Year forecast(2) 2009 year-end and New Year results*Difference ((1)-(2))
going downgoing upTotalgoing downgoing upTotalgoing downgoing upTotal
Number of traffic jams over 10km2660862452762810
Of which, the number of traffic congestions of 30 km or more123268-1-4-5
  • The year-end and New Year results in 2009 include the impact of accidents.

For a list of major traffic jams (peak traffic jam length of 10km or more) on Expressway in the Kanto Koshin region and Shizuoka Prefecture, please see Attachment-1 [PDF: 99KB] Please refer to.

[Please note] About the year-end and New Year Expressway toll discounts

Image image about the year-end and New Year Expressway toll discount

December 24, 2010 (Friday) and January 3, 2011 (Monday) are weekdays, but they will be the special holiday discount dates.

2 How to obtain road traffic information

For information on how to obtain real-time road traffic information and traffic congestion prediction information, please see Attachment-2 [PDF: 131KB].

3 Major rest facilities where congestion is expected

During the year-end and New Year holidays, it is expected that the rest facilities (service area and parking area) will be crowded due to the increase in traffic volume. (Attachment-3, 4 [PDF: 338KB]) Avoid congestion and take an early break.

4 Customer service initiatives (congestion measures)

Since congestion is expected to be on par with the year-end and New Year holidays last year, we will work to strengthen our customer services by taking measures to alert the rear-end collision at the end of a traffic jam, arranging parking lot organizers in the service area, and installing temporary toilets. (Attachment-5,6 [PDF:495KB])

5 Plan to secure parking for large vehicles

The rest facilities that are planned to secure large-sized car parking spaces during the year-end and New Year holidays are summarized in Attachments 7 to 9 [PDF: 120KB]. Please use them for an efficient driving plan.

~ Requesting customers to drive safely ~

  • Please wear winter tires and carry anti-slip devices such as tire chains.
  • Please check the car before driving to prevent troubles during driving.
  • Please wear your seat belt even in the back seat
  • Insert the ETC card securely
  • Please drive the ETC lane at less than 20km/h
  • Please be careful of a rear-end collision at the end of a traffic jam
  • As for refueling and toilets, take an appropriate break early and drive safely.
  • For abnormalities on the road, use the emergency telephone or road emergency dial "# 9910 Please let us know
  • In the event of an accident or breakdown, immediately evacuate to a safe place and make a call via emergency telephone etc.
  • We are conducting a "free social experiment" on some Expressway
    Please use the same way as before even at the toll booth in the experimental section.

~ Requesting our customers to cooperate in alleviating traffic congestion ~

  • Utilize traffic congestion prediction information and avoid peak usage
  • In-bound as well as attention to the slowdown in the hill, take the vehicle-to-vehicle distance to enough, the Your use of the driving lane except when overtaking
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