"Road closure due to vehicle fire" on Expressway

- This will have a major impact on logistics, tourism, and everyone's daily lives within the prefecture -

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September 20 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

This is a warning from NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo).

1. The current case


Photo 1 of the vehicle after the fire was extinguished
Photo 2 of the vehicle after the fire was extinguished
Vehicle after fire extinguishment
Photo 1 of towing operation
Towing work photo 2
Towing work
Photo 1 of road restoration and cleaning work
Photo 2 of road restoration and cleaning work
Road surface restoration and cleaning work

2. Response to "Road closure due to vehicle fire"

When a vehicle fire occurs on Expressway and the expressway is closed, this has a significant social impact, so we ask related organizations to thoroughly maintain and inspect vehicles on a daily basis. We also display information on road information boards to raise awareness.

Vehicle fires have a major impact: Image of thorough pre-drive inspections

3. Social impacts of vehicle fires on Expressway

Depending on where a vehicle fire occurs on Expressway, it can have a severe impact on road structures and the surrounding area.
If a disaster occurs on an viaduct, the heat and burnt structures will also affect the general roads that run underneath the viaduct.
Furthermore, if a fire occurs inside a tunnel, the closed space will trap heat and fill the tunnel with smoke, significantly affecting vehicles behind. High heat can also affect walls and structures, resulting in road closures and long recovery times, which can have a major impact on the logistics, tourism, and daily life of everyone in Hokkaido.

4. Past cases

(1) Incident on Do-O Expressway

Just after noon on Monday, September 25, 2023, a tire burst on a large truck on Do-O Expressway (Out-bound for Sapporo) and caught fire, causing a road closure for nearly five hours. Because the fire occurred on an viaduct, lane restrictions were also put into place on the Sapporo New Road, which runs parallel to the viaduct, causing traffic congestion on the general roads as well.

Photo 1 of the incident on Do-O Expressway
Photo 2 of the incident on Do-O Expressway
Photo 3 of the incident on Do-O Expressway

(2) Incident on Doto Expressway

In the morning of Friday, November 17, 2023, on Doto Expressway (In-bound, towards Sapporo), a tire burst on a large truck, causing it to go off the road and catch fire, resulting in the truck being completely burned down at a waiting area just after passing through Shimukappu Tunnel.

Photo 1 of the incident on Doto Expressway
Photo 2 of the incident on Doto Expressway

NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as a period for contributing to the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and transforming toward a new future society, and is carrying out various initiatives.
We believe that this "warning" will contribute to SDGs goals 3 and 17 as business activities that lead to the provision of safe road spaces.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 3rd and 17th logos
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