Aiming for zero traffic accidents!

Autumn nationwide traffic safety campaign begins

- September 19th (Thursday) 10:00-11:00 at Watatsu PA (heading towards Tomakomai) on the Do-o Expressway
A pre-awareness campaign will be held to call for the prevention of wrong-way driving and motorcycle accidents.

PDF version [PDF: 878KB]

September 13 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo City) will hold a nationwide traffic safety campaign period from Saturday, September 21 to Monday, September 30 at the E5 Do-O Expressway (Hokkaido) Ring Thick Parking Area (PA) (In-bound Line, Tomakomai direction) at Hokkaido Police (Hokkaido Police Department) and Hokkaido Expressway Together with the Traffic Safety Council, we will conduct the "Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign Pre-Awareness Campaign" to reduce even one accident involving wrong-way driving and motorcycles.
During the period, we will also conduct educational activities and various traffic safety campaigns using SNS to call on traffic safety to customers who use Expressway.

1. Three initiatives in the Autumn Nationwide Traffic Safety Campaign

  1. Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign Pre-Awareness Campaign
  2. Traffic safety awareness quiz on Hokkaido Regional Head Office official X (formerly Twitter)
  3. During the period, road safety campaigns and street awareness-raising will be held at service areas (SA), parking areas, and interchange entrances (IC).

2. Three initiatives and implementation details

(1) Autumn Nationwide Traffic Safety Campaign Pre-Awareness Campaign

  • Date and Time
    2024 10:00-11:00
  • place
    Do-o Expressway Watatsu PA (In-bound, heading towards Tomakomai)
  • 取材をご希望の場合は、別紙内の「取材申込書【PDF:104KB】」に必要事項を記載のうえ、FAXにてお申し込みください。
Image of the pre-awareness campaign
  • In case of stormy weather or an emergency event, it may be canceled or the contents may be changed.

(2) Conducting a traffic safety awareness quiz at Official X


(3) Traffic safety campaigns and street awareness activities at SA/PA and IC during the period

During the period, a traffic safety campaign will be held at SAs/PAs and ICs in Hokkaido, and together with the etiquette character "Manatee", we will encourage customers using Expressway to drive safely.

  • In case of stormy weather or an emergency event, it may be canceled or the contents may be changed.
Date and time (September) place Remarks
21st (Sat) 10:00-16:00 Hokkaido Expressway Wattsu PA (bottom) Hokkaido Highway Show Area 2024
22nd (Sun) 10:00-16:00 Hokkaido Expressway Wattsu PA (bottom) Hokkaido Highway Show Area 2024
24th (Tue) 11:00-12:00 Sasson Expressway Kanayama PA (above)
24日(火)15:30~16:30 Hokkaido Expressway Iwamizawa Service Area (above)
25th (Wed) 10:00-11:00 Doto Expressway Otofuke Obihiro IC entrance
25th (Wed) 11:00-11:30 Hokkaido Expressway Usuzan SA (above)
25th (Wed) 14:30-15:00 Hokkaido Expressway Yakumo PA (upper and lower)
26th (Thu) 10:00-11:40 Hokkaido Expressway Kitahiroshima IC entrance
27th (Fri) 10:00-11:00 Hokkaido Expressway Sapporo IC entrance
Friday, 27th, 10:30-11:10 Hokkaido Expressway Asahikawa Takasu IC entrance
27th (Fri) 14:00-15:00 Hokkaido Expressway Sunagawa Service Area (above)
Image of novelty distribution at SA / PA
Novelty distribution at SA/PA
Shake hands with Manati at SA/PA! Photo of
Shake hands with Manati at SA/PA!

3. Key points of NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office 's Fall Nationwide Traffic Safety Campaign

  1. 逆走事故防止!逆走防止策&対応策を身に付けましょう!
     また、NEXCO東日本では逆走について学べるサイト「無くそう 逆走」をHP上で公開していますので、ぜひご覧ください。
    Image of a traffic jam occurring on the Sasson Expressway
    Wrong-way driving on the Sasson Expressway
    Image of high-brightness arrow board
    High brightness arrow board
    Image of large arrow road markings and rubber pole extensions
    Large arrow road markings
    ・Rubber pole extension
  2. わき見に注意!運転中は前方に集中を!
    後志道伍助沢橋 センターパイプ設置状況の写真
    後志道伍助沢橋ごすけざわばし センターパイプ設置状況
    Photo of the center block installation on the Ranrusoya Bridge on the Hokkaido Expressway
    道央道蘭留宗谷橋らんるそうやばし センターブロック設置状況
  3. 後部座席を含む全席でシートベルト・チャイルドシートの着用
  4. バイク事故にご注意を!

[Click here for road information before and during your trip! ]

  1. DraPla
    Click here to collect information on all Expressway.
  2. DraTra
    Click here for real-time road information. You can also watch live cameras.
  3. NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official X (former Twitter) (@e_nexco_kita)
    Distributing traffic closure information and event information.
  4. NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official LINE
    You can receive road closure information and search for tolls and routes.
    NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official LINE 2D code image link (external link)
  5. HEARTFUL HIGHWAY ~ Everyone's Manners on Everyone's Highway ~
    We introduce our etiquette characters "Manatee" and "Squid Shark" and manners on Expressway.

The NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and transforms into a new future society," and is making various efforts.
We believe that this "Traffic Safety Campaign" will contribute to the SDGs targets No. 3 and No. 17 as business activities that will lead to the reduction of casualties due to traffic accidents.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 3rd and 17th logos
Image link (external link) to download page of Adobe Acrobat Reader

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