\Supporting Hokkaido tourism for people equipped with ETC devices/

Dorawari "Hokkaido Tourism ETC Beginner's Pass" will be on sale!

~Applications start at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20, 2020, and use starts on Tuesday, October 1st~

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  • Dorawari "Hokkaido Tourism ETC Beginner's Pass" will be on sale!

PDF version [PDF: 456KB]

Image of Dorawari logo

August 20, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

Image of Hokkaido Tourism ETC Beginner's Pass

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo) will begin selling the "Hokkaido Tourism ETC First Time Pass" from 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20th, which will allow unlimited use of Hokkaido's Expressway for a fixed price, exclusively for those who install and set up an ETC on-board unit during the applicable period.
This plan was implemented with the aim of creating opportunities for many customers to enjoy sightseeing around Hokkaido using the convenient ETC. Under the regular "HOKKAIDO LOVE! Michitoku Free Pass (A Period)," a four-day pass costs 10,700 yen for a standard car, but with this plan, you can use the expressways for just 7,700 yen, and for light vehicles and other vehicles, it costs 8,100 yen for four days, but with this plan, you can use Expressway for just 6,200 yen, making it a very good deal.
Please take advantage of this plan and enjoy a comfortable trip to Hokkaido to the fullest.

1. Product Summary

Product name Dorawari "Hokkaido Tourism ETC First Time Pass"
price Standard car: 7,700 yen/4 days
Light vehicle: 6,200 yen/4 days
Target vehicle type Ordinary cars, light cars, etc. (including motorcycles)
Vehicle mounted device
Target period
Thursday, August 1, 2020 - Saturday, November 30, 2020
  • The condition is that the ETC on-board unit is installed and set up correctly during the above period.
Discount application conditions and notes
  1. This discount is limited to vehicles that have an ETC onboard unit installed and set up correctly during the period covered by the above onboard unit installation.
  2. After applying, if you use ETC on Expressway in a registered vehicle, the discount will be applied automatically.
  3. Please note that if any driving covered by this plan occurs during the period of use for which you have applied, you will be charged for this product.
Application method
  1. Please check the above discount application conditions and precautions, and install and set up your ETC vehicle unit correctly.
  2. Please apply through our website "DraPla" after the setup is completed.
    [Required information]
    Vehicle type, name, email address, contact phone number, ETC card number and expiration date, ETC on-board unit control number and vehicle number
  3. Please make sure to check that you have received the application completion email.
  4. On the start date, use the vehicle and ETC card you have applied for to use Expressway and enjoy driving in Hokkaido.
Target area All Expressway in Hokkaido
usage period Available period: October 1, 2020 (Tuesday) to December 3, 2020 (Tuesday)
Last usage start date: Saturday, November 30, 2020
Notes Even if the total tolls during the usage period are less than the plan fee, the plan fee will not be refunded.

2. Benefits for enjoying Hokkaido tourism

(1) Benefits for use at over 150 facilities in Hokkaido

Like the Dorawari "HOKKAIDO LOVE! Michitoku Free Pass" (commonly known as Michitoku) already on sale, we have prepared special benefits exclusively for users that will make them want to get off Expressway and stop by, in cooperation with businesses across Hokkaido.

  1. Services such as day-trip bathing discounts at facilities on each route of Scenic Byway Hokkaido
  2. Special plans are available at eligible accommodations and surrounding facilities in Hokkaido
  3. Services such as discounts at commercial facilities in Hokkaido including outlets
  4. Services such as boarding at discounted prices on ferries in service outside of Hokkaido, target pleasure boats, and remote island route ferries
  5. Local detour privilege that you can receive nice service at restaurants in Hokkaido
  • Please see the dedicated page for bonus facilities and terms of use.
  • Benefit facilities are subject to change. Please check the dedicated page for the latest benefit facilities.

(2) Collaboration with the Hokkaido Smartphone Stamp Rally


3. Other announcements

The "NEXCO EAST In-Vehicle Unit Purchase Subsidy Campaign 2024" has been running since Friday, August 9, 2024. Please take advantage of this campaign if you are considering purchasing a new ETC in-vehicle unit.

[Campaign website]
URL: https://www.driveplaza.com/etc/etc_guide/info/etc_campaign2024.html

For information on ETC in-vehicle units and setup, please see below.
URL: https://www.driveplaza.com/etc/etc_guide/etc_beginner/setup.html

Image image of Scenic Byway Hokkaido logo

"Scenic Byway" is a combination of the adjective Scenic of landscape and scene, and Byway that means side road and twist road.

It is an initiative to create beautiful scenery, create a vibrant community, and create an attractive tourist space through cooperation between the local government and the local government, using the road as an opportunity. On each route, we are developing activities that are unique to each region, such as planting flowers and cleaning roads, maintaining scenic spots recommended by the region, and disseminating information. Currently, there are 14 designated routes and 3 candidate routes, and about 500 organizations are active. NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office is also participating in this initiative.
For details, please see the Scenic Byway Hokkaido website.

Image of the HOKKAIDO LOVE! logo

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office is a collaborative project between Hokkaido and the Hokkaido Tourism Promotion Organization with the aim of supporting the tourism industry in various parts of Hokkaido that was hit by the Large of the new coronavirus infection and recovering tourism demand. I am participating in a certain "HOKKAIDO LOVE! Project".

As a collaboration between "NEXCO EAST NEXCO!" Based on the philosophy of this project, we will make efforts to boost tourism in our beloved Hokkaido.

NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as a period for contributing to the achievement of the SDGs and transforming toward a new future society, and is carrying out various initiatives.
We believe that the sale of the Hokkaido Tourism ETC Beginner Pass will contribute to SDGs 8 and 17 as a business activity that promotes sustainable tourism and revitalizes local communities.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 8th and 17th logos
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