A joint road work training session will be held with the Hokkaido Highway Police Force and JAF.

Date and time: Friday, September 29, 2020 from 13:00 Location: Tomakomai Chuo IC premises
~For safe, secure, comfortable, and convenient transportation for customers~

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  • A joint road work training session will be held with the Hokkaido Highway Police Force and JAF.

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September 19, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo City) will hold a joint road work training session with the Hokkaido Police Headquarters Expressway Police Corps and JAF. The purpose of the joint training session is to strengthen cooperation between both teams, lead to smooth accident handling and secure lanes, and provide customers with ``safe, secure, comfortable, and convenient' Expressway services.

1. 1. Date and time

Friday, September 29, 2020 13:00-16:00

2. place

Do-O Expressway Tomakomai Chuo Interchange premises

3. 3. Participating organizations

Hokkaido Police Headquarters, Department of Transportation, Expressway Traffic Police Corps
Japan Automobile Federation (JAF Sapporo Branch)
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Regional Head Office
NEXCO Support Hokkaido Co., Ltd.

Four. The number of participants

About 50

Five. Implementation overview

Assuming a traffic accident on Expressway, patrol cars of Expressway Traffic Police Force and patrol cars of NEXCO Traffic Management Unit arrive at the accident scene, contact and report to each relevant organization, regulate lanes, and control the following general vehicles. A series of road work training sessions including guidance, accident handling, and lifting of regulations will be conducted at the interchange premises.

6. schedule


Opening ceremony/guest greetings (Captain of the Hokkaido Police Highway Corps, etc.)


Training ① (50 minutes of training, 10 minutes of review)


Training ② (50 minutes of training, 10 minutes of review)


Closing session

  • In the event of stormy weather or an emergency event, the tour may be canceled or changed.

Last year's joint training session

Photo 1 of last year's joint training session
Photo 2 of last year's joint training session

NEXCO EAST Group positions the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period in which we will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and transform towards a new future society," and we are undertaking various initiatives.
We believe that this joint road work training session will contribute to SDGs 3 and 17 as a business activity that will lead to the reduction of casualties from traffic accidents.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 3rd and 17th logos
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