We will carry out three initiatives during the winter traffic safety campaign

-Patrol car exhibition/riding experience and Twitter retweet campaign! ~

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  • We will carry out three initiatives during the winter traffic safety campaign

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October 28, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

Image of Manner Up Character (10km slower than summer)
Image image of NEXCO EAST Twitter retweet campaign

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo City) will jointly with the Hokkaido Police (Hokkaido Police) during the winter traffic safety campaign period (Sunday, November 13th to Tuesday, November 22nd). (1) Implementation of a traffic safety event at Douou Do-O Expressway Waatsu PA, (2) Retweet campaign on NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office official Twitter # Your safe driving support team” Hashtag campaign, (3) traffic safety campaigns and street awareness at the entrances of service areas (SA), parking areas (PA) and interchanges (IC) throughout Hokkaido We will carry out the following three initiatives.

1. Implementation content

(1) Implementation of a traffic safety event at Waatsu PA on the Do-O Expressway

  • date and time. Place
November 13 (Sun) 10:00-13:00 (scheduled) / Do-O Expressway Waatsu PA (top)
  • Overview
There will be a quiz on Expressway manners and rules where you can challenge yourself to pick up sweets, and an exhibition and ride experience of the Expressway Expressway every day!
You can also take a picture with the manners-up character "Manatee", so please stop by!
  • In case of rain, the event may be canceled or part of the content may be changed without notice.
patrol car exhibition images
Patrol car exhibition image
Expressway etiquette quiz image photos
Expressway etiquette quiz image

(2) Implementing the “#Your Safe Driving Support Team” hashtag campaign

For details, see Attachment 1 [PDF: 83KB]

The weather is getting colder and colder, and winter is coming, when traffic accidents are most likely to occur in a year. The traffic management team that protects the safety and security of Expressway and our company's etiquette character "Manatee" will call for compliance with the four "winter traffic safety key points" (see next page) through videos on Twitter.

Watch the video, follow the official account of NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (@e_nexco_kita), add "#your safe driving support team" and tweet "declaration on traffic safety and message for loved ones" Original goods will be presented to up to 100 people from those who did. We look forward to a lot of your application!

NEXCO EAST Twitter retweet campaign poster image image

(3) Traffic safety campaigns and street enlightenment at SA / PA and IC

For details, see Attachment 2 [PDF: 56KB]

Photographs of street enlightenment by banners, etc.
Street enlightenment with banners, etc.
Photo of novelty distribution at SA/PA
Novelty distribution at SA/PA
Date and time (November) place Implementation content
14th (Mon) 9:30-10:30 Hokkaido Expressway Asahikawa Takasu IC entrance street enlightenment
14th (Mon) 9:30-14:00 Hokkaido Expressway Kitahiroshima IC entrance street enlightenment
14th (Mon) 11:00-11:30 Hokkaido Expressway Usuzan SA (above) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
14th (Mon) 14:00-14:30 Hokkaido Expressway Yakumo PA (upper and lower) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
14th (Mon) 14:00-15:00 Hokkaido Expressway Sunagawa Service Area (above) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
16th (Wed) 11:00-12:00 Doto Expressway Shimukappu PA (bottom) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
16th (Wed) 14:30-15:30 Doto Expressway Tokachiheigen Area (below) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
17th (Thursday) 15:30-16:30 Hokkaido Expressway Sapporo IC entrance street enlightenment
18th (Fri) 14:00-15:00 Hokkaido Expressway Iwamizawa Service Area (above) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
21st (Mon) 15:30-16:30 Sasson Expressway Kanayama PA (bottom) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
  • Depending on the Large of the new coronavirus, the contents of the event may be changed or canceled.
    In addition, in the traffic safety campaign, we are implementing measures such as wearing masks for staff who respond to customers and disinfecting hands with alcohol disinfectant. Please follow the instructions of the staff at the site and cooperate with infection prevention measures.

2. NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Winter Traffic Safety Priority Points

  1. Early winter equipment for your heart and car!

    Let's switch to winter equipment early before the snowfall gets into full swing.​ ​Get ready for winter by replacing winter tires, winter wipers, non-freezing type washer fluid, and checking around the engine and battery as soon as possible!

    Image from the traffic safety video "Early winter equipment"
    From the traffic safety video "Early winter equipment"
  2. Winter driving at 10 km down speed than summer!
    According to the 2021 data, the number of traffic accidents on the Hokkaido Expressway gradually increases from early winter, when driving on winter roads is unfamiliar, and reaches a peak in the harsh winter (Reference ①). In addition, the number of traffic accidents caused by mishandling of the steering wheel and brakes in winter is about 4.3 times higher than that in summer (Reference 2), and the percentage of all accidents will increase (Reference 3).
    Even if there is no snowfall, the road surface may be frozen due to the temperature difference between morning and evening. Let's switch to winter-style driving, keeping in mind to "speed down 10 kilometers or more compared to summer" and "avoid driving that is 'sudden' such as sudden starts, sudden turns, and sudden braking"!
  3. (Reference ①)

    Image of (Reference ①)

    (Reference ②)

    Image of (Reference ②)

    (Reference ③)

    Image of (Reference ③)
  4. Wear seat belts and child seats in all seats, including the back seats!
    The fatality rate for those not wearing seatbelts in traffic accidents on Expressway is about 14 times that for those wearing seatbelts! (2020 National Police Agency survey)
    In order to protect important people and precious lives, please be sure to wear seat belts not only in the driver's seat and front passenger seat, but also in all seats including the back seat, and please be sure to wear a child seat for small children!
  5. Check weather and road information before and during your trip!
     Check the weather forecast and road information frequently from a few days in advance, and drive with peace of mind. Also, the weather in winter can change easily, so be sure to check the information frequently even after you leave!
    NEXCO EAST 's website and official Twitter are convenient for checking Expressway information. Please use it when using the Expressway.
  1. DraPla
    Click here to collect information on all Expressway.
  2. DraTra
    Click here for real-time road information. You can also watch live cameras.
  3. NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official Twitter (@e_nexco_kita)
    Distributing traffic closure information and event information. Click here to apply for the “#Your Traffic Safety Support Corps” campaign.

The NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and transforms into a new future society," and is making various efforts.
We believe that this "Traffic Safety Campaign" will contribute to the SDGs targets No. 3 and No. 17 as business activities that will lead to the reduction of casualties due to traffic accidents.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 3rd and 17th logos
HOKKAIDO LOVE! Logo image image

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office is a collaborative project between Hokkaido and the Hokkaido Tourism Promotion Organization with the aim of supporting the tourism industry in various parts of Hokkaido that was hit by the Large of the new corona virus infection and recovering tourism demand. We are participating in a certain "HOKKAIDO LOVE! Project".
As a collaboration between "HOKKAI DO LOVE!" And NEXCO EAST, we colored NEXCO EAST 's corporate color, NEXCO Green.
Based on the philosophy of this project, we will make efforts to enliven the tourism of our beloved Hokkaido.

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