The flower bed made in Hifu Daisetsu PA in collaboration with people with disabilities support groups was completed

~ The unveiling ceremony will be held from 11:30 on Friday, July 5th ~

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  • The flower bed made in Hifu Daisetsu PA in collaboration with people with disabilities support groups was completed
Image image of Takafuku cooperation

July 1, 2019
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office Asahikawa Management Office

NEXCO EAST Asahikawa Management Office (Asahikawa City), in cooperation with NPO Kamui Taisetsu Barrier Free Tour Center (Asahikawa City), E5 Do-O Expressway (Dōhō-dō) We have been developing flower beds around the observation area in the Hifu Taisetsu Parking Area (PA) (In-bound line, towards Sapporo). Since this spring, we planted marigolds, sunflowers, and kokia raised by the same NPO, and now that the flower bed has been completed, we will hold an unveiling ceremony for the guide signs.

This initiative is part of the "Takafuku Collaboration * Expressway

Left: Unveiling ceremony image Right: Image of installation signboard image

1 date and time

Friday, July 5th, 11:30 to 11:45

2 places

Do-do Doppu Daisetsu PA (In-bound line, towards Sapporo)

3 participants

Approximately 10 (Kamui Taisetsu Barrier Free Tour Center, NEXCO EAST Group)

4 Other

We will have a little rain.

* What is “Takafuku cooperation”?

NEXCO EAST, for the purpose of regional revitalization, the Expressway is a resource for revitalizing the region, and Large the working opportunities for people with disabilities through the cooperation of "Expressway" and "welfare" ".

We position this as part of our CSR activities to address social issues through the Expressway business, and we are continuously working on it.

This is the first time we have conducted "Takafuku cooperation" at our management office. Hifu Daisetsu PA will continue to cooperate with NPO Kamui Taisetsu Barrier Free Tour Center for regular weeding work.

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