[E5] Notice of closure of Nopporo PA (In-bound line / for Sapporo) on the Do-O Expressway

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  • [E5] Notice of closure of Nopporo PA (In-bound line / for Sapporo) on the Do-O Expressway

May 31, 2019
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Regional Head Office
Nex-area Company Limited Branch

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office and Nex-area Company Limited Sapporo Branch (both Atssubetsu-ku, Sapporo) E5 Do-O Expressway (Dōhō-dō) Nopporo parking area (PA) (In-bound line / for Sapporo) For barrier-free construction and road repair work so that you can use it more safely, securely and comfortably , PA will be closed.

During the closing period, you will not be able to enter, exit or park your PA.
We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding and cooperation.

1 Closed content

  1. Closed place
    Hokkaido Expressway Nohoro PA (In-bound line, towards Sapporo)
  2. Closing period
    June 21st (Friday) 23: 15-6: 00 the next morning [1 night]
    * In case of bad weather, it will be postponed to the same time on the preliminary day. For details, please see the attached leaflet [PDF: 273KB].
  3. Rest facility
    Toilet, commercial facility (convenience store)

2 Information

  1. the Internet
    SA / PA closure information is posted on the NEXCO EAST website "DraPla".
    DraPla > Service Area> Service Area> Renovation / Construction> Notice of "Service Area"
  2. SNS
    The official Twitter account "NEXCO EAST (Hokkaido) @e_nexco_kita" provides the latest traffic information.
  3. Flyers / posters
    It is distributed and posted at each SA / PA on the Expressway Regional Head Office NEXCO EAST Hokkaido branch office.
  4. 電話
    電話番号 0570-024-024 または 03-5338-7524
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