About toll booth crime prevention training for the busy season

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  • About toll booth crime prevention training for the busy season

December 5, 2018
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office Obihiro management office
NEXCO SUPPORT Hokkaido Co., Ltd.

 NEXCO東日本帯広管理事務所(河東郡音更町)と株式会社ネクスコ・サポート北海道(札幌市厚別区)は、E38道東自動車道(道東道) 十勝清水料金所で、北海道警察釧路方面新得警察署と協同で、年末の高速道路の繁忙期に向けた防犯実地訓練を実施しますのでお知らせします。

1 Implementation date

 平成30年12月13日(木) 10時00分~

2 Implementation place

 道東道 十勝清水料金所(上川郡清水町字清水第7線59-7)

3 Participating institutions

 NEXCO東日本 帯広管理事務所
 株式会社ネクスコ・サポート北海道 帯広料金事業部

4 Implementation contents

When the toll booth clerk of work change, threatened criminal impersonate to customers who had been waiting hiding in the employee side entrance is a clerk in the weapon (pistols, knives, etc.), to the clerk of possession Expressway took the trunk case that contains the fee Therefore, we will train on the assumption that we will escape to the general road. The criminal is a police officer.

[Reference] Crime prevention training at another tollgate
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