About the use situation for one year after the opening of the Do-O Expressway (between Onuma Park IC and Mori IC)

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  • About the use situation for one year after the opening of the Do-O Expressway (between Onuma Park IC and Mori IC)

November 22, 2013
Hokkaido Development Bureau
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

One year has passed since the Do-O Expressway Onuma Park IC-Mori IC opened on Saturday, November 10, 2012. We would like to inform you that we have summarized the usage status for one year after opening.

[Traffic conditions and main maintenance effects]

1 Onuma Park IC-Mori IC (9.7km) Traffic status for one year after opening

The average traffic volume was about 2,900 vehicles/day, and the maximum daily traffic volume for one year after opening was about 9,400 vehicles/day.
(Planned traffic: Approximately 2,800 vehicles/day * Annual average daily traffic)

2 Alleviation of traffic congestion/reduction of traffic accidents during the busy season

Due to the extension of the Do-O Expressway traffic congestion on Route 5 during the busy season was reduced by about 60%.
In addition, the number of fatalities and injuries decreased by about 70% over the past 10 years due to the extension and use of the safe Do-O Expressway.

3 Exchange between regions/Activation of local tourism

The extension of the Do-O Expressway has shortened the time required between Sapporo and Hakodate, improving the convenience of using intercity buses. In addition, the number of visitors from the central Hokkaido area has increased, and the number of customers entering the facilities around the Onuma Park IC is increasing.

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