"ETC card not inserted notification antenna" has been added to general roads.

-We will inform you when the card is not inserted so that customers can drive more safely-

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  • "ETC card not inserted notification antenna" has been added to general roads.

March 18, 2011
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo City) has installed an "ETC card non-insertion notification antenna" so that customers can drive safely. This time, inserted forget Ya lack Insert often of card Sasson Expressway let you know that we have added the "ETC card is not inserted inform antenna" in general road of flat rate interval, Fushiko toll booth (IC) near the entrance.

This antenna alerts customers who use ETC on Expressway not to insert a card by voice or signal sound from ETC onboard equipment.

In the ETC lane, if you forget to insert the card into the ETC on-board unit and the bar stops and you stop, a rear-end collision or traffic jam may occur.

According to the results of 8 places already installed on general roads, it has the effect of reducing the number of vehicles that forget to insert the card by about 70%. To prevent such accidents, "ETC card not inserted notification antenna" Is a valid facility.

1 Operation start date and time

Friday, March 18 noon

2 Installation location

On Route 274 connecting to the Fushiko IC entrance

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