As part of our efforts to reform work styles and streamline construction work,
We will work on managing completed work using construction management software.

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  • As part of our efforts to reform work styles and streamline construction work, we will work on managing completed work using construction management software.

PDF version [PDF: 210KB]

September 30 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
West Nippon Expressway Company Limited

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), NEXCO CENTRAL (Naka-ku, Nagoya), and NEXCO WEST (Kita-ku, Osaka) (hereinafter referred to as the three NEXCO companies) are working with the Japan Construction Federation (hereinafter referred to as JCFC) on "Initiatives for Work Style Reform and Smooth Construction Work" to further improve work efficiency and promote digital transformation in the construction industry. As part of this initiative, they have decided to implement completed form management using construction management software * in addition to their previous initiatives.
The initiative will be carried out by the three NEXCO companies in collaboration with the Japan Construction Industry Federation and with the cooperation of the Construction Management Software Industry Association (J-COMSIA).

  • Construction management software...
    Software that streamlines construction management tasks such as managing drawings and photos, and creating various report formats at construction sites for civil engineering and architectural projects.

Overview of the initiative

The construction progress management for the three NEXCO companies' construction projects is based on the construction management guidelines of the three NEXCO companies, in which the contractor measures the dimensions of the completed construction object after construction is completed, records the results in a prescribed form (hereinafter referred to as the "As-Completed Report"), and submits it to the supervisor.
Now, by using construction management software for as-built management, contractors can input the as-built measurements they make on-site directly into the construction management software, eliminating the need to go back to the office to enter the data into the as-built report. This is expected to simplify and streamline the process, so we have decided to change and improve the format of the as-built report. (See attached PDF: 149KB)
Going forward, we will conduct a trial introduction on-site for concrete structures, and then aim for full-scale introduction. In the full-scale introduction, we will change the format of the as-built report in the construction management guidelines, and allow submission of output data from any construction management software, not just the software that has been trialed.
From next fiscal year onwards, we will continue to Large the types of construction work we target and make improvements.

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