We will reorganize our service area business division within the group.

- Strengthening Nexeria East Japan's functions and changing its company name -

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  • We will reorganize our service area business division within the group.

PDF version [PDF: 612KB]

June 14, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.


1. Overview of Group Reorganization


2. Nexelia East Japan's company name change


(The idea behind the new company name)
The name is a combination of the words "area" and "attract" (to charm or draw people in).
As "tract," it also means "to spread" or "to pull or draw."
We chose our company name to reflect our desire to create attractive areas and the future that lies beyond them for our customers, and to play a role in leading the next era.

<Before reorganization>


<After reorganization>

Image of the reorganization

3. Main roles of each group company

NEXCO East Japan Area Tract (formerly Nexeria East Japan)

Planning and planning of service area businesses, management and operation of SA/PA commercial facilities

Image of Pasar Hasuda (In-bound)

NEXCO East Japan Retail

SA/PA directly managed store operation

YASMOCCA 都賀西方PA(下り線)のイメージ画像

NEXCO East Japan Area Support

SA/PA commercial facility management and inspection, concierge operations


NEXCO East Japan Logistics Systems

SA/PA delivery, joint purchasing


NEXCO East Japan City Food (formerly Nexeria City Food)

Event management at SA/PA commercial facilities, and restaurant management in the city

市中飲食店舗(一平 日本橋店)のイメージ画像
  • ネクセリア・シティフードについても、6月26日付で、社名を「(株)ネクスコ東日本シティフード」に変更します。
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