The candidates for officers have been decided

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June 7, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) at the board of directors meeting held today decided on the following candidates for officers to be submitted to the 19th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June 25, 2024.
The representative director is scheduled to be selected at the board of directors meeting to be held after the initial shareholders meeting.

Candidate for director

Managing Director
渡邉 光一郎わたなべ こういちろう
由木 文彦ゆき ふみひこ
髙橋 知道たかはし ともみち
Managing Director
伊勢田 敏いせだ さとし
Managing Director
椎名 穣しいな ゆたか
Managing Director
田仲 博幸たなか ひろゆき
Managing Director
吉見 秀夫よしみ ひでお
Managing Director
宮川 暁世みやかわ あきよ

 また、取締役 岡本 圀衞、 取締役 良峰 透、 取締役 八木 茂樹は、上記定時株主総会の終結をもって退任する予定です。

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