About "new mobility service" that NEXCO EAST
Expressway aims to accelerate the realization of an autonomous driving society (concept)-
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- About "new mobility service" that NEXCO EAST
April 28, 3rd year of Reiwa
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) has announced that it will "accelerate the realization of an autonomous driving society, next-generation Expressway Expressway We are pleased to inform you that we have compiled the "Aiming Vision (Concept)" (hereinafter referred to as "Concept").
1. 1. background
Expressway socio-economic situation surrounding Expressway is changing drastically, such as highway congestion / accidents, aging, labor shortages, universal design, carbon neutrality, promotion of DX, and efficiency of infrastructure management.
On the other hand, technological innovations such as ICT, AI, robotics, sensors, digital communication (5G), and big data utilization are rapidly advancing, and the spread of self-driving vehicles and connected cars is becoming a reality.
In order to respond to this change in social conditions and continue to drive the further development of automobile transportation in the future, we have summarized the direction of advanced mobility service provision that NEXCO EAST
2. Examination procedure
Conduct the examination in the following steps
- After organizing the current socio-economic situation, we will organize the appearance of society in 10 and 20 years based on the opinions of related industries and experts.
- Set the vision (goal) of the Expressway that supports the "future society NEXCO EAST"
- 目標を実現するため、「具体施策と打ち手(108項目)」を抽出し、その中から重点的に取り組むべき「31の重点プロジェクト」を設定
<Future society drawn by NEXCO EAST
- A society that supports seamless movement for everyone to lead a healthy and active life
- Organic connection between spheres by new means of transportation, regardless of age or handicap
- Realization of efficient logistics services in an era of declining birthrate and aging population and declining working population
- A strong and supple resilient society against frequent and intensifying natural disasters
- Balancing the protection and inheritance of rich nature, local culture, history and traditions with efficient economic activities
3. 3. Aims for next-generation Expressway (goals)
- With an eye on the "future society," we set the goals (goals) of Expressway
- This goal is to set the goal Expressway in stages to the additional function that will be the new goal in the future, and clarify the relationship with each goal of SDGs.
- In addition, as a support for the realization of the desired figure, Expressway management (maintenance management)" is also organized.

4. Setting of 31 priority projects
- 次世代高速道路の目指す姿を実現するために、31項目からなる「重点プロジェクト」を立ち上げ、NEXCO東日本中期経営計画期間(2021~2025)において順次検討・着手
- This project consists of two perspectives: "transformation to solve short-term problems" and "challenge to create a long-term future".
< Overview of priority projects in Table 1:31>
[Fig. 2: Image of future vision << priority project >>]
Five. Future schedule
- Formulated a roadmap for priority projects in the last 5 years, 10 years after the next medium-term management plan period, and long-term (2030-2040, 2040-)
- When formulating the roadmap, organize the projects from four perspectives: hardware (equipment), software (operation), management (maintenance), and external collaboration.
- 各重点プロジェクトについては、投資規模に加え、技術の開発状況、制度設計等を踏まえ、実現可能なものから順次検討・着手
- また、事業実施に際しては、関連法制度の整備等が必要なものもあり、今後、一定の時間を要するため、関係機関との連携を進め、調整が出来次第、実現に向けた検討に着手
[Fig. 3: Roadmap for realizing the future vision]
6. Promotion system
- In consideration of this concept, 2020 "next-generation in-house than the degree of Expressway to start the investigation established the way study group of", 2020 In October, in the headquarters "ITS Promotion Department Is newly installed to accelerate the examination
- In April 1991, the "ITS Promotion Committee" was set up within the company, chaired by a director and managing executive officer, general manager of the management business division, in line with the announcement of this concept, and this initiative was integrated NEXCO EAST Group Build a system to promote
![[Fig. 4: Examination system] image](/pressroom/cms_assets/pressroom/2021/04/28c/05.jpg)
7. 7. in conclusion
In realizing this concept, we will continue to study the latest technological trends in Japan and overseas and the social and economic conditions of related industries, and make necessary reviews as appropriate, and continue to consider them with a sense of speed. We will promote various businesses.
For that purpose, after considering specific measures to deal with many issues and uncertainties such as building a smooth project implementation system and securing necessary project costs, after making necessary studies in the future, the "basic plan" We plan to upgrade to "" and develop full-scale efforts.

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