NEXCO EAST Technical Research Grant

September 18, 2014
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo) is pursuing various technological developments so that the highway space can be used safely, securely, comfortably and conveniently at any time.

At our company, We have decided to publicly solicit and provide technical research from a wide range of fields that can be expected to be used and applied to improve the safety of Expressway. So let me know.

1 Targeted research

Technical research that can be expected to be used and applied to improve the safety of Expressway

2 Target audience

Researchers who belong to research institutes such as universities and colleges of technology

3 公募期間

From Thursday, September 18, 2014 to Tuesday, November 18, 2014
*Notice of decision regarding grants will be made around the end of December 2014.

4 Grant period

From the day after the decision to December 28, 2015

5 Grant amount

Within 3 million yen per case

6 Inquiries regarding open recruitment

 NEXCO東日本 技術研究助成事務局 Tel.03-3506-0280

For other details, NEXCO EAST Technical Research Grant Implementation Guidelines [PDF: 183KB] Please refer to the.
In addition, Styles such as applications [word: 36KB] Can be downloaded, so please refer to it as well.


Technical development page

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