NEXCO EAST “Customer Center” will be opened

~A specialized operator will answer customer inquiries 24 hours a day, 365 days a year~

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January 25, 2007
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Chairman of the Board: Shigejiro Yagi) has unified the contact point for inquiries from customers, which had been handled by highway guides, toll gates, offices, etc. Easy to remember Navi dial In order to promptly answer all inquiries regarding Expressway in our business area, we will introduce a specialized window from 1 am on Thursday, March 1 "Customer Center" Will be opened.

The "Customer Center" cooperates with "Moshi Moshi Hotline Co., Ltd." to work together with our employees to answer inquiries promptly and accurately by skilled and specialized operators 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In addition, the “Customer Center” will greatly expand the system for inquiries by increasing the number of telephone lines by approximately four times compared to the conventional highway guide.

In the future, we will make efforts to publicize new phone numbers by including them on receipts for Expressway.

With the opening of the Customer Center this time, we will build a system that positively reflects the voices of customers and aim to be "customer first."

1 Operation start date and operation time

Start of operation:
Thursday, March 1, 2007, midnight
Operating hours:
24 hours 365 days

2 phone numbers

 ナビダイヤル  0570-024-024
 (PHS・IP 電話のお客さまのお問い合わせは03-5338-7524にて承ります。)

3 Enhancement of system

The number of telephone lines has increased from the current 6 to 25