[Road Emergency Dial #9910] opened from 10:00 on December 1st

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  • [Road Emergency Dial #9910] opened from 10:00 on December 1st

For the latest information on road emergency dials Here

November 28, 2005
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

"Road emergency dial ( #9910 )” will open from 10:00 on December 1st.

1 Purpose of [Road Emergency Dial #9910]

  • If a customer discovers an abnormality on the road, we will immediately respond to the situation by promptly calling the road administrator including our company. Expressway, national roads and cities managed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Expressway are accepted.
  • Emergency calls are intended for obstacles such as road damage such as pits and collapses of the road, abnormalities on the road such as falling objects and dirt on the road, and vehicle troubles that interfere with the passage of vehicles.

2 [Road emergency dial #9910] implementation policy

  • A 4-digit number that is easy for customers to understand #9910 ] Will be newly established.
  • We accept 24 hours.
  • Intermediary to each road manager, Interactive voice response (IVR) It will be done by.
  • Calls from NTT (fixed line), NTT Docomo, au, and Vodafone are covered. Calls from NTT (fixed line) are free, but otherwise Paid for the time being Will be. (Free from January 2007)
  • 今まで通り、道路交通情報のお問い合わせは、(財)日本道路交通情報センター(全国統一ダイヤル)0570-011011 で、高速道路料金のお問い合わせはハイウェイガイド東京 03-3506-0333で受け付けております。

3 [Road emergency dial #9910] Effect of opening

  • Customers "Expressway, etc.", "national highway Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to manage", "urban Expressway even for road management's" throat, you can report directly to by the same numerals.
  • In addition, the shortened number makes it easier to remember.

4 Other

  • Calls while driving are prohibited by the Road Traffic Law. Please move or stop at a safe place such as a rest facility before calling.
  • Please refrain from making inquiries regarding road traffic information in order to respond to emergency calls.
