Open house regarding “excavation within the project site” for the lamp shield tunnel construction on the south side of the Central JCT October 12th to 14th, 2020 Summary of results

October 26, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office Tokyo Outer Ring Construction Office
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. Tokyo Regional Head Office Tokyo Construction Office
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kanto Regional Development Bureau Tokyo Outer Ring National Highway Office

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation with the Tokyo Outer Ring Road Project (Gaikan Project).
2020 We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and anxiety caused to residents due to the ground surface sinking and void accident during the construction of the Outer Ring Road Project that occurred in Chofu City in October.
We will hold an open house for residents living near the construction site of the South Ramp Shield Tunnel of Chuo JCT, where we will provide individual explanations using panels and other materials. At this Open House, we explained the "measures to prevent recurrence and to enhance the safety and security of the community" and "excavation in the project site" of the Chuo JCT South Ramp Shield Tunnel construction, which were confirmed at the 26th meeting of the "Tokyo Outer Ring Tunnel Construction Review Committee" (December 1, 2022). The meeting also included an explanation of "measures to prevent recurrence and to enhance the safety and security of the community" and "excavation in the project site.
The meeting also provided an opportunity for residents who wished to participate to exchange opinions with the project operator.

Event information

Event outline

(open house)

Date and time Venue name The number of visitors open house materials
October 12, 2020 (Thursday) 18:00-20:00 Shinkawa Nakahara Community Center 28 people
October 13, 2020 (Friday) 18:00-20:00 Inside the soundproof house of the lamp shield starting shaft on the south side of the central junction 24 people
Saturday, October 14, 2020 10:00-12:00
Inside the soundproof house of the lamp shield starting shaft on the south side of the central junction 121 people
  • On Saturday, October 14th, a site inspection event will be held simultaneously at the soundproof house venue for the ramp shield launch shaft on the south side of Central Junction.
    (Number of participants: 89 people)

(Forum for exchanging opinions)

Date and time Venue name The number of visitors
October 13, 2020 (Friday) 19:00-22:45 Inside the soundproof house of the lamp shield starting shaft on the south side of the central junction 17 people

Main questions and their answers

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