
令和3年1月 8日
東日本高速道路株式会社 北海道支社


We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

1. Closed section and date and time

Route name section Day and time

E5 Hokkaido road

大沼公園おおぬまこうえんインターチェンジ(IC) ⇔ 落部 おとしべIC (上下線)


* The end time may change depending on the progress of the investigation.


2. 2. About the circuit


(Location map)




(Thing about traffic accident investigation, road closure)

Hokkaido Police Headquarters Expressway Traffic Police Corps

Phone number 011-892-9761


(1) Internet

NEXCO East Japan Road Traffic Information Site "DraTra "https://www.drivetraffic.jp/

(2) SNS

Twitter official account "NEXCO East Japan (Hokkaido)" @e_nexco_kita

(3) Information by distribution / bulletin board

Post flyers and posters at nearby toll booths and rest facilities.

(4) Telephone

① NEXCO East Japan Customer Center (24-hour operator is available)

Navi Dial 0570-024-024 or 03-5308-2424

② Highway telephone (provides the latest information updated every 5 minutes 24 hours a day)

Sapporo station 011---896---1620 Asahikawa station 0166---54---1620

Muroran Bureau 0143---59---1620 Obihiro Bureau 0155-42-1620

(Mobile phone speed dial # 8162)

③ Japan Road Traffic Information Center (JARTIC) Road Traffic Information

Hokkaido Regional Highway Information 050-3369-6760 (Mobile Phone Speed Dial # 8011)

(5) Road traffic information that can be obtained while using the Expressway

① Road information board

② Highway radio (AM1620kHz)

The sections that broadcast highway radio are indicated by signs.


Road traffic information can be obtained with VICS-compatible car navigation systems and other on-board aircraft.