Temporary suspension of quick charger for electric vehicles
(Kan-Etsu Expressway Doanigawadake PA)

October 22, 2014
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

Due to regular inspections by the operator, Japan Charge Network Co., Ltd., the rapid charger for electric vehicles in the service area of East Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. will be temporarily suspended as follows.

 Kan-Etsu Expressway Tanigawadake PA (Out-bound line)・・・10/30 (Thurs) 10:00-12:00 (2 hours)
Kan-Etsu Expressway Tanigawadake PA (In-bound line)・・・10/30 (Thurs) 14:00-16:00 (2 hours)

In addition, the date and time of inspection may be postponed due to rain, etc. In that case, we will inform you again about the date and time when the quick charger for electric vehicles will be suspended.

See below for more information.

HP of Japan Charge Network Co., Ltd.

  • Inquiries regarding this matter
    Japan Charge Network Co., Ltd. Customer Support Center
    phone number 0570-200-588
