• Expressway
    About use
  • About procurement
  • About recruitment
  • Technical proposal ・
    For joint research
How do you calculate the toll if you make a round trip between the entrance tollhouse and the exit tollhouse Expressway

Even if the traffic is continuous, if a lap run is included between the inflowing IC and the outflowing IC, the laps from the inflowing IC to the overlapping return to the same point are regarded as one running, and each of them You will be charged the total amount calculated for each route.

If you drive in such a lap, please inform the staff at the exit tollhouse of the relevant travel route (even if you are using ETC, the opening / closing bar may not open at the exit tollhouse. , Please use the lane where the staff is available and contact the staff).

At the exit tollhouse, the staff may check the travel route, so please cooperate. In addition, please note that it will take some time at this time.

I don't have an ETC on-board unit. Will the ETC discount be applied if I pay the toll with an ETC card?

Midnight discounts and holiday discounts are not applicable just by paying the toll with an ETC card, as one of the applicable requirements is to drive at the entrance tollhouse by ETC wireless communication.

Weekday morning and evening discounts require registration to the ETC mileage service in advance. Since it is a condition of registration that you have the set up ETC on-board unit, you cannot use the weekday morning and evening discount unless you have the ETC on-board unit.

How do I apply for an ETC personal card?

Applications are accepted by mail.

  1. はじめに、専用の「ETCパーソナルカード利用申込書」をご用意ください。お申込書は、ETCパーソナルカードWebサービス(https://www.etc-pasoca.jp)で出力できるほか、サービスエリアのインフォメーションで配布しております。また、NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター(0570-024-024 または 03-5308-2424(24時間年中無休))にお電話いただければ、郵送いたします。
  2. Please fill in the required items on the "ETC Personal Card Usage Application Form" and mail it to the ETC Personal Card Secretariat with a copy of your driver's license and other identification documents.
  3. After confirming the contents of the application form, the secretariat will mail the deposit form to the customer. Please transfer at your local post office or convenience store.
    • The deposit will vary depending on the amount of money you expect to use on Expressway A minimum of 20,000 yen is required.
    • The transfer fee will be borne by the customer.
  4. After confirming the deposit, we will mail the ETC personal card. You can use it from the day you receive it.
    • It takes about 2 weeks from the deposit of the deposit to the arrival of the card.
    • A set-up on-board unit is required to use ETC.

If you have any questions during the application procedure, please contact us at the following.

TEL 044-870-7333(土日、祝日、年末年始除く9:00~17:00)

What is the maximum speed on the Expressway

Expressway is mainly marked by road signs. The maximum speed indicated by the road sign is called the "specified maximum speed" and can be divided into the following two main speeds.

  • Those stipulated by the Public Safety Commission of each prefecture according to the structure of the road, etc.
  • What is determined by the police of each prefecture according to the weather conditions such as rain and snow, and the traffic conditions such as the occurrence of traffic accidents

In addition, "legal maximum speed" will be applied to sections where there is no maximum speed indication such as road signs. This "statutory maximum speed" is stipulated by the Road Traffic Act as follows.
Large passenger cars (for carrying people exclusively), ordinary cars (excluding three-wheeled vehicles and towing vehicles),
In the case of large or ordinary motorcycles (specific examples: buses, ordinary cars, ordinary freight vehicles, light vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles, etc.) ⇒ 100 km / h
Other vehicles (specific examples: large freight vehicles, trailers, etc.) ⇒ 80 km / h

Expressway driving on a highway, please check the road signs and road markings and drive at a safe speed.

Is there a service area / parking area that can be entered from the general road?

Please refer to the related URL for the service area (SA) and parking area (PA) that have entrances and exits from general roads.

How can I participate in the NEXCO EAST project?

In order to participate in the procurement project of NEXCO EAST, it is necessary to be certified as a qualified person with competition participation qualification in advance and to be registered in the qualified person list.
For certification as a qualified person, see `` Information on competition qualifications "Please confirm.
However, NEXCO EAST does not use the qualification registration system for goods and services, and does not need to be registered in the qualified person list beforehand.

What documents do I need to submit to participate?

The documents to be submitted will differ depending on the bid announcement (instruction). Table 1 shows the basic documents and their outline.

Table 1 "Basic documents required to participate and their outline"

Document name Overview
Competitive participation qualification confirmation application The competition participation qualification confirmation application is a document required to request confirmation of the presence or absence of the competition participation qualification necessary to participate in the project.
Technical proposal materials
[When requesting by bid announcement (instruction)]
Similar to the competition participation qualification confirmation application, it is a document required to request confirmation of the presence or absence of the competition participation qualification necessary to participate in the project.
Joint venture agreement draft
[When requesting by bid announcement (instruction)]
It is a required document when granting the competition participation qualification of a specified construction consortium.
I created an application form, but can you check it in advance because I am worried?

We do not confirm any incompleteness such as omissions or omissions of seals in advance. Please check the documents at the responsibility of the bidder.

In addition, regarding the preparation of documents necessary for application, please check the "instruction for bidders" determined for each bid announcement (instruction).

"Instructions for bidders" ⇒ https://www.e-nexco.co.jp/bids/doc_download/

I have been certified as a qualified person, but can I participate in any project?

NEXCO EAST 's procurement projects, the conditions for competition participation qualification are determined for each project. Confirm the construction type or industry category that has been certified as a qualified person, and for each case Tender announcement (instruction) Please read carefully and check the conditions decided for each case before participating.

If you want to participate in the procurement of goods/services, you can participate if you meet the bid participation requirements decided for each case.

Do you need the “seal certificate”, “seal stamp notification”, “proxy and seal certificate”, and “annual proxy” that were required before?

Previously, the seal certificate, etc. submitted by us was no longer necessary because the bid form was changed to the current format. (See "What are the points to keep in mind when creating a bid form?")

Please obtain the bidding form from "Instructions for bidders".
"Instructions for bidders" ⇒ https://www.e-nexco.co.jp/bids/doc_download/

Is it possible for science students to apply for clerical careers and for liberal arts students to apply for technical careers?
Or can I apply for both occupations at the same time?

It is possible for science students to apply for clerical careers and for liberal arts students to apply for technical careers. However, you cannot apply at the same time.

NEXCO EAST and design consultants, construction companies and manufacturers in the road construction business?

At the design stage of the road construction business, our employees decide the technical standards and conditions of the design through discussions with related parties, order the work from the design consultant based on it, propose the concrete structure, and design. You are creating a drawing. In addition, at the construction stage, our employees calculate the appropriate price for the construction by estimating and order the construction from the construction company, and when the construction company actually carries out the construction on site, schedule management, cost management, quality, etc. We will manage and manage the construction so that the construction will proceed smoothly, such as safety. In addition, Expressway is actually put into service, and managing the schedule and construction costs until the entire route is put into service is also an important task for our employees.

Please tell me about the transfer.

In order to improve the careers of employees through various work experiences, they are transferred approximately once every two to three years. However, since the transfer of departments within the same office is also included, not all transfers are accompanied by a move.

Is there any age restriction?

There is no age limit as long as you meet the application qualifications.

Please tell us about the corporate culture of NEXCO EAST

It is a vibrant workplace where you can say what you want to say without distinction between your boss and subordinates in a homely atmosphere. Also, especially in the event of a disaster, all employees will work together to deal with it regardless of job type, so we value the connection with our colleagues on a daily basis.

Is the technology proposal accepted only via the Internet?

Proposals for the TI network are accepted from the application form.

Where should I send or inquire about the necessary documents?

Please contact the following e-mail address (to TI Network Section).
(Please note that you cannot receive zip files)

TInetwork ★ e-nexco.co.jp (Please correct ★ to @ and send)
<Tee (capital letters) eye (capital letters) network Please be careful about typos>

How do you use the proposed content?

Proposals received from all of you will be registered and accumulated in our TI network database for internal use.
In addition, depending on the content of the proposal, we may conduct research and development of new technologies in collaboration with our company.

Will the proposed products and construction methods be adopted?

We cannot guarantee that the proposed technology proposal will be adopted in our business.

How do you conduct joint research and development?

Depending on the content of the proposal, we will enter into an agreement regarding joint research and development with the company of the proposal. The status of joint research and development conducted so far is as follows.

Frequently Asked Questions by Type
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