Smart maintenance highway (SMH)
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- Smart maintenance highway (SMH)
Expressway infrastructure managed by NEXCO EAST Group is aging year by year, and it is expected that the deterioration of road structures will increase at an accelerating rate in the future.
Furthermore, as a social issue, the working-age population has already begun to decline, and the generational change in engineers is rapidly progressing, making securing the quality and quantity of maintenance engineers a major issue within the company.
On the other hand, advances in technologies such as ICT, robotics, and AI are remarkable day by day, and the active use of these technologies is being considered in various industries.
At such "points of change" both internally and externally, we will continue to pursue safety and security, which is our group's mission, by promoting the SMH project, which aims to best match engineers and ICT, etc., as a solution to overcome issues. Masu.
Smart Maintenance Highway (SMH) Basic Plan

Collection of videos
Various pamphlets
Further development and operational status of SMH (October 2022)
- Click here for past materials
The story so far
- Plan (announced on July 31, 2013) [PDF: 1.2MB]
- Basic plan (announced on May 29, 2014) [PDF: 948KB]
- About materialization (announced on November 26, 2014) [PDF: 848KB]
(reference: Ensuring the permanent health of the CSR Expressway ) - About the approach situation (announced on December 24, 2015) [PDF: 644KB]
- About the efforts of the smart maintenance highway (announced on November 27, 2018) [PDF: 1.3MB]
Operation of SMH Phase 1 (July 2020)

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