Expressway usage during the Obon season
[Tohoku region version]
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- Expressway usage during the Obon season [Tohoku region version]
August 17, 2016
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office
NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office (Aoba Ward, Sendai City) is a Tohoku Expressway managed by the Company during the Obon season [11th August 2016 (Saturday) to 16th August 2016 (Tuesday)] We will inform you about the usage status of.
During this period, both the number of passengers and the number of traffic jams increased compared to the previous year.
1 Traffic volume and number of passengers
[Average traffic volume on eight sections of the main line]
- All cars: About 100% of the previous year (about 32,000 units/day) Attachment-1 [PDF: 136KB]
- Peak: Out-bound is August 11th (Thursday), In-bound is August 15th (Monday) Attachment-2 [PDF: 190KB]
[Number of interchanges used (number of vehicles passing through exit toll gates, etc.)]
- All cars: About 100% of the previous year (about 32,000 units/day)
[Number of interchanges used (number of vehicles passing through exit toll gates, etc.)]
- All vehicles: Approximately 103% of the previous year (approximately 413,000 units/day)
- Vehicle type
: Small vehicles approx. 103% year-on-year (about 367,000 units/day)
: Large vehicles approx. 103% year-on-year (approx. 46,000 units/day)
Attachment-3 [PDF:111KB] - By prefecture [YoY change]
Aomori: about 104% (about 32,000 units/day), Iwate: about 97% (about 56,000 units/day), Akita: about 101% (about 36,000 units/day), Miyagi: about 104 % (About 121,000 units/day), Yamagata: about 111% (about 64,000 units/day), Fukushima: about 102% (about 104,000 units/day)
Attachment-4 [PDF: 194KB]
2 congestion
- Congestion of 10 km or more on the main line occurred 12 times in the Out-bound direction (+7 times from the previous year) and 15 times in the In-bound direction (2 times from the previous year) for a total of 27 times (+5 times from the previous year).
- The maximum length of congestion on the main line is 26.2 km (-12.0 km compared to the previous year), and it will be Fukushima Matsukawa Smart IC-Kunimi IC on the Tohoku Expressway on Monday, August 15 (10:13-19:10, peak time 15:14). It occurred in the interval (In-bound line). This traffic jam was caused by traffic concentration.
- The amount of traffic congestion (*) was 1,253 km·h (about 115% of the previous year), an increase from the previous year.
- Congestion extension (km) × congestion time (h) ÷ 2
Note) “IC” is an abbreviation for interchange.
Comparison period

For details, please refer to the attached materials.

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