Tomei JCT Ramp Shield Tunnel Construction "Future Excavation"
Summary of open house about from December 11, 2021 to 13 days holding result

東日本高速道路株式会社 関東支社 東京外環工事事務所
中日本高速道路株式会社 東京支社 東京工事事務所
国土交通省 関東地方整備局 東京外かく環状国道事務所

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation in the Tokyo Outer Ring Road Project (Outer Ring Road Project).
We sincerely apologize for causing great inconvenience and anxiety to residents due to the ground surface cave-in/cavity accident that occurred in Chofu City in 2020 during the construction of the outer ring project.
This time, we held an open house for those who live in the vicinity of the Tomei JCT ramp shield tunnel construction site, where individual explanations using panels etc. will be held. At this open house, we will discuss "recurrence prevention measures and regional safety and We explained about efforts to increase peace of mind" and "future excavation".
In addition, we also set up a forum for exchanging opinions between residents who wish to participate and business operators.
In addition, we also asked for individual consultations regarding the site.

Event information

open house

Date and time Venue name The number of visitors open house materials
Sunday, December 11, 2020 10:00-12:30
Tomei Information Center 54 people
December 12, 2020 (Monday) 18:00-20:00 4 people
December 13, 2020 (Tuesday) 18:00-20:00 Five people
  • On December 11th (Sun), a site inspection meeting will be held simultaneously at the Tomei Information Center venue (Number of participants: 109)

Opinion Exchange

Date and time Venue name The number of visitors
December 11, 2020 (Sunday) 15:00-16:35 Tomei Information Center 9 people

Main questions and their answers

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