East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Terms of Service
- Corporate Top
- Company information
- Terms and Conditions, Laws and Agreements
- Road Use Agreement stipulated by Act on Special Measures concerning Road Construction and Improvement
- East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Terms of Service
Effectiveness of Agreement
Article 1
This Road Use Agreement is the agreement in which NEXCO East Nippon Company (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') stipulates the use of expressways (defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Act on Expressway Companies (Act No. 99 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as 'Expressway') pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph 1of the Act on Special Measures concerning Road Construction and Improvement (Act No. 7 of 1956, hereinafter referred to as 'the Act' )
2 高速道路を通行し、若しくは利用する車両(道路法(昭和27年法律第180号)第2条第5項に規定する車両をいう。以下同じ。)の運転者(以下「運転者」という。)又は通行し、若しくは利用する者(運転者を除く。)(以下「利用者」と総称する。)は、この約款を承認し、かつ、これに同意したものとする。
Toll Rates
Article 2
The rates of tolls shall be the amount published by the Company pursuant to Article 25, paragraph 1 of the Act.
Toll Collection
Article 3
2 会社は、前項の規定にかかわらず、法第24条第1項の規定により、高速道路を通行し、又は利用する車両の使用者(運転者を除く。)に対し、別に定めるところにより、料金の支払を求めることができる。ただし、当該使用者に対する請求により運転者は支払義務を免れるものではない。
Possession of Pass, etc.
Article 4
Article 5
Under the provisions of Article 26 of the Act, the Company may collect the rate equivalent to twice the evicted amount, as a surcharge, in addition to the evicted toll itself, from the User who has illegally evicted toll collection.
2 第3条第2項の規定は、前項の規定による割増金の徴収について準用する。
Refusal of Use etc.
Article 6
Under the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Act, the company requests the Japan Expressway Ownership and Debt Repayment Organization (hereinafter referred to as "Mechanism") to prohibit or restrict the passage of vehicles listed in each item of the same paragraph. In addition to taking the necessary measures based on the above, based on the provisions of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of the same Article, the Expressway may be refused service in the following cases:
- one Expressway When traffic is deemed dangerous due to damage, destruction, or other reasons.
- two When it is recognized that it is unavoidable due to the construction of Expressway.
- three When the user requests a special burden for the service of Expressway.
- Four When there is a risk that the operation of Expressway will significantly impede the passage of other vehicles.
- Five When the service of Expressway violates the provisions of laws and regulations or public order or good manners and customs.
2 The company may require the user to leave the Expressway if the provisions of the preceding paragraph are met.
Entry or Exit of a Vehicle at a Smart Interchange
Article 7
2 運転者は、スマートインターチェンジにおいて高速道路への進入又は高速道路からの退出可能な時間帯が標識その他の方法によって表示されている場合は、当該表示に従わなければならない。
Article 8
2 運転者は、ETC通行車以外の車両により、ETC専用入口において高速道路へ進入し又はETC専用出口において高速道路から退出するにあたり、ETC専用施設又は施行規則第13条第2項第6号に規定する閉鎖施設を通行せざるを得ない場合は、第3条の規定にかかわらず、当該通行する施設において、会社が別に定めるところにより、高速道路の料金を支払い、又はこれに代わる措置を取り、通行しなければならない。
3 第3条第2項の規定は、前項の規定による料金の支払について適用する。
Attendant's Instructions
Article 9
The user must follow the guidance and confirmation of vehicles and other work instructions that the staff of the company collects tolls, maintain the structure of the Expressway, prevent traffic risks, etc.
Company's Responsibilities
Article 10
If there is any damage to the user due to a flaw in the installation or management of Expressway, the company shall compensate the damage.
2 In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the user has negligence, this can be taken into consideration when calculating the amount of damages.
3 Examples of cases where there are no defects in the installation or management of Expressway are as follows.
- one User's intention
- two Accidents due to mutual contact or collision of vehicles or falling objects, etc. that are not the responsibility of the company
- three Theft or other harm by a third party
- Four Natural disaster and other force majeure
4 The Company shall not be liable for compensation for losses caused by the following reasons.
- one Necessary measures for refusal of service or other prohibition or restriction of traffic under the provisions of Article 6
- two Delay due to traffic jam
5 In the case of paragraph 4 above, the liability of the company begins when the user enters the Expressway and ends when the user exits the Expressway in accordance with this agreement.
User's Responsibilities
Article 11
Expressway damage or soiled user resulted needed by the damage or fouling Expressway for cost of maintenance of the construction or road related to applied replaced pursuant to the provision of Article 40 paragraph 1 Road Under the provisions of Article 58, Paragraph 1 of the Act, the company must pay a contribution.
2 Regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, users who have damaged or polluted the Expressway will be exempt from the authority of the road administrator pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, Paragraph 1, Item 12 of the Act from the Road Act Article 22 When ordered to carry out construction or maintenance of a road that becomes necessary due to the damage or pollution based on the provisions of paragraph (1), the construction or maintenance of the road ordered by the Organization shall be carried out.
3 In addition to what is provided for in the preceding 2 paragraphs, if the user intentionally or negligently damages the company, he / she must compensate for the damage.
令和6年4月1日 東日本高速道路株式会社