Congestion prediction and countermeasures for Expressway during the Obon period [Metropolitan area version]

~ Please avoid traffic to reduce traffic congestion ~

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  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • Congestion prediction and countermeasures for Expressway during the Obon period [Metropolitan area version]

July 25, 2018
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office
Central Japan Expressway Tokyo Regional Head Office
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. Hachioji Regional Head Office

East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter NEXCO EAST) Kanto Regional Head Office and Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter NEXCO CENTRAL) Tokyo Regional Head Office and Hachioji Regional Head Office are located on the Expressway Kanto Koshin region and Shizuoka prefecture. Obon period [12 days from Wednesday, August 8, 2018 to Sunday, August 19, 2018] We have summarized the trends and countermeasures for traffic congestion prediction (traffic concentration traffic congestion of 10 km or more) in.

Please use this traffic forecast to avoid peak traffic and adjust your departure time to help plan your trip. This forecast is based on the past traffic jam results and recent traffic conditions.However, the actual traffic congestion may differ from the forecast due to accidents and weather conditions. Please check the traffic information in.

In addition, each Expressway company provides traffic congestion forecast information and road traffic information with various tools. Please use it when using the Expressway.

Please check the contents of the traffic jam forecast and change the day and time of use to avoid traffic jams.

Out-bound direction, there will be a lot of traffic congestion on Saturday, August 11th to 13th (Monday), especially on 11th (Saturday).
August 9th (Thursday) to 10th (Friday) Please consider using!

  • Holiday discounts are not available on Saturday, August 11th and Sunday, August 12th.
  • Holiday discounts will be applied on August 9 (Thurs) and 10 (Fri).

In-bound side, there will be frequent traffic jams from Monday, August 13 to Wednesday, August 15.
August 16th (Thursday) to 17th (Friday) Please consider using!

1 Congestion prediction

(1) Number of traffic congestion of 10km or more

10km or more congestion number of times Out-bound (around the outside, eastbound) direction 90 times of the image image
Image of 161 times of traffic In-bound (inward / westbound) over 10km
  • 1: C3 Regarding the number of traffic jams predicted on the Gaikan Expressway, the "outer direction" toward the Takaya JCT and the "inward direction" toward the Oizumi JCT, and the "outer direction" toward the C4 Ken-o Expressway, It is said to be the "inward direction" towards the Chigasaki JCT.
  • 2: E50 Regarding the number of traffic jams predicted on the Kita-Kanto Expressway, the directions are "Eastbound" toward Mito Minami IC and "Westbound" toward Takasaki JCT.

(2) Prediction of particularly long congestion (40 km or more)

Direction Peak
Month, Day and the weekday
Road name Top of traffic jam
Time zone Peak time Peak
Congestion length


8/11 Sat E17
Kan-Etsu Expressway
Near Higashimatsuyama IC Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture
(Higashishima Matsuyama)

8 o'clock 40km
Tomei Expressway
Near Isehara BS Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture
The day before
Six o'clock 40km
Near Sagamiko IC Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture
(Sagami Harashi)

Six o'clock 45km
8/12 days E20
Near Sagamiko IC Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture
(Sagami Harashi)

9 o'clock 45km
August / 13 E20
Near Sagamiko IC Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture
(Sagami Harashi)

7 o'clock 45km
8/18 Sat E20
Near Sagamiko IC Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture
(Sagami Harashi)

7 o'clock 45km
going up 8/15 Water E17
Kan-Etsu Expressway
Near Takasaka SA Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture
(Higashishima Matsuyama)

16:00 40km
For a list of the major traffic jams (peak traffic jam length of 10km or more) on Expressway in the Kanto Koshin region and Shizuoka prefecture, [Attachment-1 [PDF: 3.7MB]] Please refer to.

(3) Comparison of the number of traffic jams with the Bon Festival period (Saturday, August 5, 2017 to Wednesday, August 16, 2017)

The unit of the numerical value in the table is "times"
Traffic jam scale [1] Forecast for 2018 [2] 2017 results * Difference ([1]-[2])
going down going up Total going down going up Total going down going up Total
Number of traffic jams over 10km 90 161 251 89 135 224 1 26 27
Of which, the number of traffic congestions of 30 km or more 11 17 28 10 15 25 1 2 3

* Including the impact of accidents.
