(3月14日(金) 15時発表)
- Corporate Top
- Notice
- Important notice to customers
- 東北全域・関東北部・長野県の高速道路で雪の可能性があります~必ず冬用タイヤ装着をお願いします!~(3月14日(金) 15時発表)
For winter tires, please attach studless notation (domestic notation) or snowflake mark (international notation) to all wheels, and attach chains to drive wheels. In addition, single-axle vehicles, combination vehicles, unladen vehicles, and older vehicles tend to get stuck especially on snowy roads, so be careful.
[Reference] https://www.mlit.go.jp/report/press/content/001387501.pdf
Introduction of information tools provided by NEXCO EAST
【Official LINE】https://lin.ee/DCmtPpN(ID:@e-nexco)
[Official X (formerly Twitter)]NEXCO EAST (Road Disaster Prevention Information) Official X @e_nexco_bousai
NEXCO EAST (Hokkaido) Official X @e_nexco_kita
NEXCO EAST (Tohoku) Official X @e_nexco_tohoku
NEXCO EAST (Kanto) Official X @e_nexco_kanto
NEXCO EAST (Niigata) Official X @e_nexco_niigata
[Drive Traffic (DraTra)]https://www.drivetraffic.jp/
[Expressway Impact Information Site]https://ex-ssw.com/
Introduction of information tools provided by NEXCO EAST
[Dr. Mammoshi's Winter Expressway Guide]https://www.driveplaza.com/special/manmoshi/
How to contact us
[Inquiries by phone (Customer Center)]
We listen to our customers' feedback 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
0570-024-024 or 03-5308-2424
[Road emergency dial (emergency only)]
Falling objects, cars going the wrong way, people and bicycles entering the road, potholes in the road,
Please dial to report any abnormalities or emergencies, such as collapsed road shoulders or dirty road surfaces.
Nationwide#9910(24-hour service, free of charge)
For more detailsHere
For other inquiries, please contactHere】
In addition, we are widely promoting safe driving on winter roads through television commercials, radio commercials, and web advertisements, so please check them out.