Glossary of "emergency facility" technology and equipment

There are various facilities on the Expressway there is a problem such as a car breakdown, accident, or abnormal weather.

There are emergency telephones, emergency parking zones, chain bases, distance markers, etc.

emergency parking zone High school

Damaged vehicles, emergency vehicles, road management vehicles, etc. are installed on the left shoulder of the road for the purpose of stopping. The installation interval is about every 500m in the earthwork department and the bridge department. In the tunnel, it is installed approximately 750m

emergency phone Hiden phone

In the event of an emergency such as an accident on Expressway, an emergency phone is installed on the roadside or in a tunnel so that the user can quickly contact the administrator of Expressway. If you pick up the handset, you can connect to the traffic control room directly from the emergency telephone and talk.
The emergency telephones are installed on the left shoulder of Expressway at intervals of 1km, and also at interchanges, service areas, parking areas, bus stops, and emergency parking zones. Inside the tunnel, they are installed on the left shoulder side at intervals of about 200m.

Emergency evacuation passage Kinkyu Hinantsuuro , Emergency passage Kinkyu Tsuuro

Installed inside the tunnel, this facility allows customers to evacuate easily in an emergency.
There are two types of evacuation passages: evacuation shafts and evacuation connecting shafts.
Evacuation tunnels are tunnels built for evacuation that are separate from the main tunnel. The evacuation tunnel is a facility that allows you to evacuate to the tunnel on the opposite side when the tunnel runs side by side.

Emergency opening Kinkyu

It is an emergency parking zone provided on the middle side of the tunnel entrance. This facility is installed so that the opening can be opened and a U-turn can be made if the tunnel is cut off.
