Participants wanted: Media coverage welcome
The 2nd [E18] Joshinetsu Expressway rock removal construction site open house will be held!
November 16th (Saturday) Morning and afternoon: 72 guests will be invited for free
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- Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
- The 2nd [E18] Joshinetsu Expressway rock removal construction site open house will be held!
October 7 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Nagano Construction Office
NEXCO東日本 長野工事事務所(長野県長野市)は、令和6年11月16日(土)に群馬県安中市内のE18上信越自動車道で大規模に岩塊がんかい撤去を進めている北野牧工事の現場を公開します。なお、当公開は6月16日(日)の第1回がご好評だったため、今回で2回目の開催となります。

1. Event details and application requirements
①Date | 令和6年11月16日(土)午前1回、午後1回の全2回 | ||||||
②Venue | Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture (see page 3) | ||||||
③Participation fee | Free (Participants will be responsible for transportation costs to the meeting place.) | ||||||
④ Gathering | JR Yokokawa Station Usui Pass Railway Heritage Park Large vehicle parking lot (Morning course: Meet at 9:30, Afternoon course: Meet at 14:00)
⑤Itinerary | The tour will take approximately 3 to 4 hours, including travel from the meeting point to the departure point. (Meeting place) JR Yokokawa Station Usui Pass Railway Heritage Park Large vehicle parking lot → Kitano Maki Construction Site Office (outline of the construction, etc.) → Kitano Maki Construction Site Tour → (Disband) JR Yokokawa Station Usui Pass Railway Cultural Park Large vehicle parking lot
⑥ Capacity | Morning: 36 people, Afternoon: 36 people
⑦ Application conditions: Key points to note |
Please read and agree to the application conditions and important notes before applying and participating.
⑧How to apply: Application period |
⑨Participation decision contacting |
⑩Other |
⑪ Contact Information | NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター(24時間受付) ナビダイヤル:0570-024-024 または 03-5308-2424 [当社お客さまセンターでは、本件に関するお客さまのご応募状況(当選・落選の結果等)について、個別にお答えはできかねます。何卒ご了承ください。] |
Location (construction site outline)

2. What is Kitanomaki Construction?
This work involves removing a 70m-high boulder located above the Kitanomaki Tunnel (Kitnomaki, Matsuida-machi, Gunma Prefecture) between the Matsuida-Myogi Interchange (hereinafter "IC") and the Usui-Karuizawa IC on Joshin-Etsu Expressway. During the site open day, visitors can ride the construction monorail and tour the excavation site and heavy machinery, including a huge crane. (For details of the work, please refer to the attached document [PDF: 482KB].)
Construction status (May 2024)


NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as a period for contributing to the achievement of the SDGs and transforming toward a new future society, and is undertaking a variety of initiatives.
We believe that this renovation work will contribute to SDGs goals 8, 9, and 11 as business activities that lead to the development of safe, secure, and reliable infrastructure.

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