[CA] Notice of nighttime closure of Tokyo Wan Aqua-Line Expressway

From Monday, January 23, 2023 to Monday, January 30, from 23:00 to 5:00 the next morning
~Tunnel collapse countermeasure construction and inspection of road structures~

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • [CA] Notice of nighttime closure of Tokyo Wan Aqua-Line Expressway

 CA東京湾アクアライン 上下線 川崎浮島JCTから木更津金田IC及び、CA東京湾アクアライン連絡道 上り線 袖ヶ浦ICから木更津金田ICにて、令和5年1月23日(月)より実施しておりました夜間工事通行止めは、2月1日(水)朝5:00をもって、終了しました。

The latest regulatory information is​ ​DraTra​ ​Please see.

PDF version [PDF: 873KB]

December 19, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tokyo Wan Aqua-Line Expressway Management Office

 NEXCO東日本 東京湾アクアライン管理事務所(千葉県木更津市)では、CA東京湾アクアライン(以下「アクアライン」)上下線 川崎浮島(かわさきうきしま)ジャンクション(以下「JCT」)から木更津金田インターチェンジ(以下「IC」)及びCA東京湾アクアライン連絡道(以下「アクア連絡道」)上り線 袖ヶ浦(そでがうら)ICから木更津金田ICにてトンネルはく落対策工事及び道路構造物の点検を行うため、夜間通行止めを実施します。

1. Closed section and date and time

  1. 通行止め区間:
    アクアライン 上下線 川崎浮島JCT~木更津金田IC
    アクア連絡道 上り線 袖ヶ浦IC⇒木更津金田IC
    • 浮島IC入口閉鎖のため浮島ICから首都高湾岸線をご利用いただけません。
  2. Image image of closed section
    • The indication of CA etc. attached to each line shows the line number (numbering) of the Expressway
  3. Date and time
    Implementation date:
    January 23 (Mon) to 26 (Thu), 30 (Mon), 2023
    Every day from 23:00 to 5:00 the next morning
    Preparation day:
    January 31 (Tuesday) to February 2 (Thursday), 2023
    Every day from 23:00 to 5:00 the next morning
    February 6 (Mon) to 9 (Thu), 2023
    Every day from 23:00 to 5:00 the next morning
    February 13 (Mon) to 15 (Wed), 2023
    Every day from 23:00 to 5:00 the next morning
Image of date and time
Two-dimensional code image link to NEXCO EAST (Kanto construction regulations) twitter (external link)
  • 通行止め区間内にある休憩施設については、下記のとおり閉鎖します。
    アクアライン 海ほたるパーキングエリア 各日夜21時~翌朝5時
  • In stormy weather, it will be postponed to the spare day.
  • We will inform you of the implementation decision on Twitter etc. around 17:00 on the day.

2. Detour


3. Construction overview

In order to keep the road structures in good condition on the Aqualine, which has been open for 25 years, we will carry out construction work to prevent tunnels from falling off and inspections of the road structures. Since it is not possible to carry out construction work and inspections under normal lane restrictions, it is necessary to carry out the work while the roads are closed.
Therefore, in order to minimize inconvenience to customers, we will close the road at night on weekdays when there is little traffic, and carry out construction work intensively and efficiently. We ask for your understanding and cooperation as this work is necessary for safe and comfortable use of the Expressway.

Photograph of structure inspection status 1 構造物点検状況のキャプションのイメージ画像1
Photograph of structure inspection status 2 構造物点検状況のキャプションのイメージ画像2

Four. How to obtain traffic information

(1) Guidance by distribution / posting

  • Notice signs, posters and leaflets will be posted at toll booths and rest facilities nearby.
  • A banner will be posted on the overpass on the Expressway.

(2) Road traffic information that can be obtained before going out

(3) Road traffic information available while using the Expressway

  • Road information board
  • Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    The highway radio section is indicated by signs on the Expressway.
  • Highway Information Terminal
    We will inform you of road information in an easy-to-understand manner by the monitor screens installed in SA / PA.
  • VICS
    You can get road traffic information with VICS-compatible car navigation and other on-board devices.
  • Information is also distributed on the official Twitter account.
    " NEXCO EAST (Kanto)" (@e_nexco_kanto) Real-time traffic information
    " NEXCO EAST (Kanto construction regulations)" (@e_nexco_kanto_k) Judgment regarding implementation of construction regulations
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