Expressway traffic during the Obon period (breaking news) [national version]

2020 Friday, August 7th to 2020 Sunday, August 16th: 10 days
*Comparison target is 2019 from August 9th (Friday) to 2019 August 18th (Sunday): 10 days last year

  • Corporate Top
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  • Expressway traffic during the Obon period (breaking news) [national version]

August 17, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
Honshu-Shikoku Expressway Co., Ltd.

Traffic situation

  • 33% reduction in traffic during the period compared to last year
  • Compared to last year, the number of traffic jams over 10 km decreased to 149 from 436 times (66% decrease), and the number of traffic jams over 30 km decreased to 6 times from 39 times (85% decrease)
  • Looking at the locations of traffic congestion over 10 km, traffic congestion in the Tokyo metropolitan area was approximately 80%.

(1) Traffic volume

Major sections of Expressway nationwide (4-5 pages [PDF: 372KB] (Simple average of 40 sections in total)

2020 results ([1]) 2019 (2) Contrast [1] / [2]
Average daily traffic 32,000 units/day 48,000 units/day 67%
Maximum daily traffic 36,800 units/day 58,200 units/day 63%

(2) Congestion status

Number of traffic jams (Number of traffic jams over 10km includes traffic count over 30km)

2020 results ([1]) 2019 (2) Contrast [1] / [2]
Traffic congestion of 10 km or more 149 times 436 times 34%
Traffic congestion of 30 km or more6 times 39 times 15%

《Particularly long traffic jam location (1st worst by top and bottom of each company)》

Company classification Vertical line Route name Traffic jam location name Traffic jam date and time (peak) Congestion extension Cause of traffic jam
East Japan Out-bound line E17Kan-Etsu Expressway Near Higashimatsuyama IC Thursday, August 13, around 11:10 31.2km Traffic concentration and accident
In-bound line E17Kan-Etsu Expressway Near Kawagoe IC Around 14:50 on Friday, August 14 35.8km Accident and traffic concentration
Central Japan Out-bound line E20 Chuo Expressway Near Hino BS Saturday, August 15, around 11:15 24.8km Traffic concentration and accident
In-bound line E20 Chuo Expressway Near Hino BS Sunday, August 16th, around 18:25 43.3 km Traffic concentration and broken car
Western Japan
・ Honshi
Out-bound line E42 Yuasa Gobo Road (Hanwa Road) Near Kawabe 1st TN Sunday, August 9 around 10:55 22.9km Traffic concentration and accident
In-bound line E42 Yuasa Gobo Road (Hanwa Road) Near Arita Minami IC Sunday, August 16th, around 19:05 20.9km Traffic concentration
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