Expressway traffic during the year-end and New Year holidays [Hokkaido version]

From Wednesday, December 28, 2016 to Wednesday, January 4, 2017: 8 days
[Comparison target December 28, 2015 (Monday)-January 4, 2016 (Monday): 8 days]

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  • Expressway traffic during the year-end and New Year holidays [Hokkaido version]

January 5, 2017
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo City) has summarized the traffic conditions on Expressway in Hokkaido during the year-end and New Year holidays as follows.

Traffic volume during one period

  • The average daily traffic volume in the main sections (average value of the following 9 main sections) is 11,300 units, 108% of the same period last year have become.
  • Due to weather conditions, the traffic volume during the period exceeded the traffic volume of the same period last year.

Average daily traffic during major periods (*1)

Below, IC indicates an interchange and JCT indicates a junction.

(Unit: vehicles / day)

Road namesection(1) FY2016(2) FY2015(1)/(2)(%)
Do-O ExpresswayFukagawa-Takasu Asahikawa9,9009,800101%
Ebetsu East-Iwamizawa16,30015,600104%
Onuma Park-Forest2,8002,700104%
Sasson ExpresswayAsari ~ Zenkou13,30012,900103%
Doto Expressway
Chitose East-Oiwake Town6,7006,300106%
Tomamu-Tokachi Shimizu9,8007,800126%
Book-specific JCT-book-specific3,2002,100152%
Average daily traffic volume in the above major sections11,30010,500108%
  1. The traffic volume is the daily average traffic volume for 8 days from H28.12.28 to H29.1.4 according to the preliminary value of the traffic counter [automatic traffic measurement device installed on the road]. (Comparison target is 8 days from H27.12.28 to H28.1.4)
  2. Shiranuka IC-Akan IC was put into service on March 12, 2016.
  3. Doto Expressway Shimukappu IC and Tokachi Shimizu IC, we are implementing alternative route measures for National Highway No. 274.

[Reference] Day arrangement during the year-end and New Year period of 2016 and the same period of 2015

[Reference] Image of day arrangement for the year-end and New Year period of 2016 and the same period of 2015

Changes in traffic volume during major periods

  1. Hokkaido Expressway Fukagawa IC-Asahikawa Takasu IC
  2. (1) Doo Expressway image of Fukagawa IC-Asahikawa Takasu IC
  3. Hokkaido Expressway Ebetsu Higashi IC-Iwamizawa IC
  4. (2) Doo Expressway Ebetsu East IC-Iwamizawa IC image image
  5. Hokkaido Expressway Eniwa IC-Kitahiroshima IC
  6. (3) Image of Doo Eniwa IC-Kitahiroshima IC
  7. Hokkaido Expressway Kunnui IC-Oshamanbe IC
  8. (4) Doo-do Kunimi IC-Ochamanbu IC image
  9. Hokkaido Expressway Onuma Park IC-Mori IC
  10. (5) Doo-do Onuma Park IC-Mori IC image image
  11. Sasson Expressway Asari IC-Zenibako IC
  12. (6) Image image of Futaru Asari IC-Kenako IC
  13. Doto Expressway Chitose Higashi IC-Oiwakecho IC
  14. (7) Image image of Doto Expressway Chitose East IC-Oiwake Town IC
  15. Doto Expressway Tomamu IC-Tokachi Shimizu IC
  16. (8) Doto Expressway Tomamu IC-Tokachi Shimizu IC image
  17. Doto Expressway Honbetsu JCT ~ Honbetsu IC
  18. (9) Doto Expressway Honbetsu JCT ~ Honbetsu IC image of

2 Traffic congestion

  • The number of traffic jams increased by 5 times compared to FY2015 to 10 times.
    It should be noted that, for the 5km or more of the traffic jam, was once H27_nendotodosuno.
  • The longest traffic jam was caused by a broken car that occurred in the direction of Tomakomai between Sapporo JCT and Fushiko IC on Sasson Expressway on Thursday, December 29, and the top of the traffic jam was near the Karai IC at the peak (around 10:58). As a result, it became 5.5km.

Number of traffic jams

Congestion extensionH28FY2015Difference ((1)-(2))
1-5km traffic jam9 times4 times+5 times
Congestion over 5kmOnceOnce± 0 times
total10 times5 times+5 times

Congestion status (congestion extension worst 5)

  Road name Traffic jam location Traffic jam date and time (peak) Congestion extension Cause of traffic jam
1Sasson ExpresswayNear Karai IC (direction Tomakomai)December 29 (Thursday) around 10:585.5kmBroken car
2DOTO EXPWYNear Yubari IC (Obihiro direction)December 30 (Friday) around 13:494.0kmSuspension of traffic and
Traffic concentration
3Hokkaido roadNear Mikasa IC (direction Asahikawa)December 30 (Friday) around 15:383.4kmSuspension of traffic and
Traffic concentration
4Sasson ExpresswayNear Karai IC (direction Tomakomai)December 30 (Friday) around 13:533.1kmTraffic concentration
5DOTO EXPWYNear Mukawa Hobetsu IC (Chitose direction)December 30 (Friday) around 13:381.5kmclosed for traffic
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