Partial change in agreement with Japan Expressway Ownership and Debt Repayment Agency (August 10, 2009)

(Germany) Partial amendment of agreement with Japan Expressway Ownership and Debt Repayment Organization

East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. and (Germany) Japan Expressway The holding and debt repayment mechanism is Expressway Act No. 99) Article 6 Paragraph 1 and (Germany) Japan Expressway Holding and Debt Repayment Organization Act (2004 Act No. 100) Article 13 Paragraph 1 Based on the regulations, we signed an agreement on August 10, 2009 to change a part of the "Agreement on Highway Expressway Hokkaido Transit Expressway Hakodate Nayoro Line etc." that was concluded on March 31, 2006. .

The changed contents are as follows.


  • Provisional 2-lane section 4-lane project whose maintenance plan was changed after the 4th National Land Development Trunk Vehicle Construction Conference
  • Of the other than the high-speed automobile national highway belonging to the national route network Expressway as, National Highway No. 47 (Sendai-Hokubu Road business due to the (Rifu Shirakashidai - Tomiya)) that specify additional
  • Business associated with the addition of an interchange maintenance project to improve the convenience of in-service routes

Agreement to change a part of "Agreement on Expressway National Highway Hokkaido Transit Expressway Hakodate Nayoro Line"
