NEXCO EAST Group Basic Policy on Customer Harassment

1. Introduction

Based on fair and transparent corporate activities, NEXCO EAST Group puts customers first and strives to realize and improve safe, secure, comfortable and convenient Expressway services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Our group employees are aware that they are Expressway professionals and work day and night to ensure that the various services we provide meet the expectations of our customers and the local community.

On the other hand, some customers who use the services and facilities provided by our Group have been engaging in extremely nuisance behavior (customer harassment), such as violent acts and verbal behavior, unreasonable demands, and malicious harassment, towards our Group employees.
These actions violate the dignity of our Group's employees, harm the working environment, and may have a negative impact on the provision of our Group's services.

Therefore, in order for our Group to continue to provide safe, secure, comfortable and convenient Expressway services into the future, we have come to the conclusion that while we will continue to sincerely listen to the opinions and suggestions of our customers and others, we must also take a firm stance as an organization against customer harassment and protect our Group employees, and have therefore established this Basic Policy.

2. Definition of customer harassment

1) Definition of customer harassment

Complaints, requests, and behavior from customers, etc. (clients, business partners, facility users, and other interested parties) that exceed the scope of what is considered socially acceptable and harm the working environment of our Group employees.

②Specific examples of customer harassment *

  • The following are examples but are not limited to:
  1. 身体的(物理的)攻撃
    <暴行、傷害、当社グループ施設や備品または従業員の着用物等の損壊・汚損 等>
  2. 精神的攻撃
    <脅迫、侮辱、名誉棄損、威圧的・差別的言動、反社会的・人格否定発言、土下座要求 等>
  3. 過剰要求
    <提供水準を超過するサービス(金銭補償等を含む。)の要求、優先的(特別)扱いの要求 等>
  4. 不当要求
    <事業に無関係な(利用条件外等の)対応の要求、正当な理由のない謝罪の要求 等>
  5. 業務に支障を来す迷惑行為
    <正当な理由のない不退去・無断侵入、長時間の拘束、執拗な問い合わせ 等>
  6. 従業員への迷惑行為
    <無断撮影・SNS等への投稿、性的言動、つきまとい、個人情報の開示要求 等>

3. Dealing with customer harassment

1. Dealing with customer harassment

We will take firm action against customer harassment to protect our employees. Specifically, we will warn the perpetrator to stop the harassment, change the person in charge, have multiple people deal with the harassment, and if necessary, stop (terminate) the harassment.
In addition, if a customer continues to harass customers despite warnings, or if the customer is found to be malicious or has engaged in illegal (criminal) acts, we will take strict action, including consulting and cooperating with the police and lawyers, and taking legal action.

② Initiatives within the Group


  • This Basic Policy will communicate our Group's corporate stance to our customers and the local community, and will also inform and raise awareness among each and every employee of our Group.
  • Regarding customer harassment, we will formulate procedures (manuals, etc.) for our group employees and organizations to take, and provide necessary education and training to our employees.
  • 当社グループ従業員がカスタマーハラスメントに関する問題について相談できる体制等を整備し、組織として当社グループ従業員を守るとともに、カスタマーハラスメントの端緒となった問題の解消に努めます。