Maintenance, repair, materials, machinery

Guardrail strut extraction machine

NEXCO Maintenance Kanto Co., Ltd.
Product Summary
It can deal with all forms of post damage and leads to a reduction in traffic regulation time.
  1. The process of removing posts during protective fence replacement work, which was previously done manually, has now been mechanized.
  2. Compatible with φ139.8, φ114.3, and square 125 pillars.
  3. Even if the support breaks, it can be removed using a special jig that is fixed inside the support.
  4. The wide base plate reduces the ground reaction force when pulled out, making it easy to use in civil engineering sections.

Machine specifications

size H755, W860, L600 (mm)
weight Approximately 500 kg
Hydraulic cylinder 13t for gripping, 10t for pulling, 2 pieces
Method of operation Manual Switching Valve
Subgrade reaction force Pulling capacity: 20t
Reaction base plate 860×600 (5,160㎠)
Reaction force 20,000kgf/5,100=3.9kgf/cm2
Achievements (sales/construction/introduction)

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16 units
13 units
7 units

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