
Writing pro

Patent No. 4016124

NEXCO Engineering Hokkaido Co., Ltd.
Product Summary
High-speed road surface illuminance/spot measurement device
Automatically measure the illuminance in the tunnel during normal driving
  1. Improve efficiency of cleaning/replacement judgment with automatic measurement
  2. Measurement by vehicle does not require regulation inside the tunnel
    (Significantly reduces risk of danger)
  3. Prevents the illuminance of other vehicles (general vehicles)
  4. Achieves high accuracy by measuring horizontal plane illuminance with 3 lines

♦ The illuminance meter light-receiving surface 1/2 is covered with a special hood to eliminate the effects of the vehicle's shadow and headlights.
♦ Highly accurate road surface illuminance measurement is achieved by measuring separately with two-division illuminance sensors in front of and behind the vehicle.


♦ 交通規制をかけずに高速走行で� 精度の高い照度測定が可能
♦ 一般車両のヘッドライト等の影響を受けないため一般車両に混じっての測定が可能
♦ 一回の走行で進行方向に最大3測線の水平面照度を計測
♦ 一回の走行で走行・追越両側の点灯状況(不点・劣化)を判別
♦ 照明灯の使用電源周波数に関係なく測定可能
♦ パソコンを用いて測定データの高速記録・データ解析が可能
♦ 特許取得済

  1. Two-division light receiving type illuminance sensor: 4 (2 line specifications) 6 (3 line specifications)
  2. Defect detection dedicated sensor: 1 (one side illumination detection) 2 (both sides illumination detection)
  3. Dedicated amplifier (data recording section)
  4. Measurement software (alarm function when there is no signal, simple data display)
  5. Analysis software (illumination graph display of arbitrary section)
  6. Form output function (section average illuminance, astigmatism)
  7. Laptop is not included
Achievements (sales/construction/introduction)

Our company:
Other road companies:
Private companies, etc.:

15 units
27 units
3 units

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