Get on and off Expressway of the six Tohoku prefectures for a fixed price!
Dorawari "Tohoku Tourism Free Pass"
We will start accepting applications for service starting from Tuesday, April 1, 2025!

Application start date: Monday, March 17th at 2pm

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  • Get on and off Expressway of the six Tohoku prefectures for a fixed price! Applications for the Dorawari "Tohoku Tourism Free Pass" will begin on Tuesday, April 1, 2025!

PDF version [PDF: 713KB]

ETC drive discount image of Dora-wari logo

March 17, 2025
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Tohoku Regional Head Office
Miyagi Prefectural Road Corporation

With the aim of promoting tourism in the Tohoku region, NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office (Miyagino Ward, Sendai City) and Miyagi Prefectural Road Public Corporation (Aoba Ward, Sendai City) will begin accepting applications for the "Tohoku Tourism Free Pass," which will allow unlimited use of Expressway in six Tohoku prefectures for a flat rate for up to three days (limited to ETC-equipped standard cars, light vehicles, etc.), available from Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
This product was first sold in 2012 with the aim of supporting the recovery of tourism in the Tohoku region, and has been very well received.
Why not take this opportunity to use Expressway to visit the many tourist spots and experience the charms of the Tohoku region throughout each season?

  • We are also currently selling the service for applications and service commencement up until Monday, March 31, 2025.
  • We are currently selling the "Tohoku Tourism Free Pass Set Plan," which offers great value when you apply for the "Tohoku Tourism Free Pass" together with accommodation or rental car, so please consider it.
    • The "Tohoku Sightseeing Free Pass" offers a two-day tour of the six Tohoku prefectures for 8,700 yen using a regular car, but the "Tohoku Sightseeing Free Pass Set Plan" is only available for four days for 8,500 yen. Please note that the set plan requires separate accommodation or rental car fees in addition to the Dorawari fee.
  • We are currently running a campaign where if you apply for and use the Dorawari service sold by our company for a period of use only on weekdays, you will receive additional ETC mileage points. For details, please check the URL below.

■ Points of this product!

You can get on and off the Expressway in the Tohoku region for a fixed amount, which is a great deal!

In addition to the "Tohoku 6 Prefectures Tour Plan," "Northern Tohoku Tour Plan," and "Southern Tohoku Tour Plan" that are tailored to your itinerary, we also have the "Tokyo Metropolitan Area Departure/Arrival + Tohoku 6 Prefectures Tour Plan" and "Tokyo Metropolitan Area Departure/Arrival + Southern Tohoku Tour Plan" for customers departing from the Tokyo metropolitan area. This plan allows unlimited use of Expressway in the Tohoku region for a fixed price.

1. 1. Target section, each plan, usage period

Target section

  • Tohoku 6 prefecture tour plan
    Free to get on and off the Expressway in 6 prefectures of Tohoku (Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima) for a fixed amount
  • Northern Tohoku tour plan
    Free rides on some Expressway in Aomori, Akita, Iwate and Miyagi prefectures for a fixed fee
  • South Tohoku tour plan
    Free to get on and off the Expressway in Miyagi, Yamagata, and Fukushima prefectures for a fixed amount
  • Departing from and arriving in the Tokyo metropolitan area + Tohoku 6 prefecture tour plan
    For a fixed price, you can enjoy one round trip from the Tokyo metropolitan area to six prefectures in Tohoku, and unlimited rides on Expressway in six prefectures in Tohoku.
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Area + South Tohoku Tour Plan
    One round trip from the Tokyo metropolitan area to South Tohoku for a fixed amount, and you can get on and off the Expressway in Miyagi, Yamagata, and Fukushima prefectures freely.

Each plan (selling price / target model)

plan Up to 2 consecutive days, regardless of the day of the week Up to 3 consecutive days on any day of the week
Standard-sized car Light vehicles, etc. Standard-sized car Light vehicles, etc.
Tohoku 6 prefecture tour plan 8,700 yen 7,000 yen 10,700 yen 8,100 yen
North Tohoku tour plan 7,600 yen 6,100 yen 8,700 yen 7,100 yen
South Tohoku tour plan 6,600 yen 5,300 yen 7,600 yen 6,100 yen
Departing from and arriving in the Tokyo metropolitan area
+ Tohoku 6 Prefecture Tour Plan
16,000 yen 12,800 yen
Departing from and arriving in the Tokyo metropolitan area
+ Southern Tohoku tour plan
11,500 yen 9,200 yen 13,500 yen 10,800 yen

Usage period (available date)

From Tuesday, April 1, 2025 (excluding Golden Week, Obon, Silver Week, New Year's holidays, and three-day weekends)

Tohoku Sightseeing Free Pass Usage Date Calendar

Image of the Tohoku Tourism Free Pass Usage Date Calendar
  • The colored part of the calendar is the available date.
  • If your start date falls on the light blue coloring day, you can use it for up to 3 days.
  • If your start date falls on the pink day, you can use it for up to 2 days.
  • If the date highlighted in yellow is the first day of use, it can only be used for one day.
  • March 30, 2026 will be available for three days until April 1, 2026.
  • The offer will be valid for three days from March 31, 2026 until April 2, 2026.

2. Special benefits and other benefits


We are collaborating with various tourist facilities, accommodation facilities, service areas, and parking areas in the six Tohoku prefectures to provide special preferential treatment, including discount services.

  • If you have an organization or company that can cooperate with this product and carry out PR etc., please contact NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office.
    • NEXCO東日本 東北支社 
      TEL 022-395-4002

Survey gift

After using this product, please answer a questionnaire and you will be entered into a lottery to win meal vouchers that can be used at service areas under the jurisdiction of the Tohoku Regional Head Office, as well as local specialties from Joban Expressway commemorating the 10th anniversary of the opening of the entire Joban Expressway!

  • 「常磐道 全線開通10周年」に関する詳細は、下記URL(特設WEBサイト)からご確認ください。
Image of the logo for the 10th anniversary of Joban Expressway 's full opening

E-NEXCO points giveaway

Customers who use this product with an E-NEXCO pass will receive 50 E-NEXCO points in addition to the regular points.

3. 3. How to apply

The Tohoku Tourism Free Pass requires advance application online.
Please apply from NEXCO EAST homepage "DraPla".

Dorawari Tohoku Tourist Free Pass page 2D code image link (external link)
ETC vehicle only ETC Drive Discount Dorawari Tohoku Tourism Free Pass application method image 1
ETC vehicle only ETC Drive Discount Dorawari Tohoku Tourism Free Pass application method image 2

Four. Customer inquiries

NEXCO EAST Customer Center
TEL 0570-024-024 (Navi dial)
(Reception time/24 hours)

The NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and transforms into a new future society," and is making various efforts.
We believe that this "Dorawari" launch initiative will contribute to the SDGs goals No. 8 and No. 17 as business activities that will lead to the promotion of sustainable tourism and the revitalization of local communities.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 8th and 17th logos
Image link (external link) to download page of Adobe Acrobat Reader

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